It’s almost time for Santa! And the New Year is quickly approaching. So I’m curious as to your plans on making 2010 your best year ever. Have you thought about it?
Typically, the New Year is a time for resolutions and promises to yourself to make more money, lose more weight, or spend more time on yourself, etc. Resolutions are great! Unfortunately they usually don’t last very long.
So my homework for you this New Year is to not make wild resolutions you likely will not keep. My homework is for you to sit down during a few quiet moments and really think about your goals for 2010. Get specific, and keep them doable, but just lofty enough to inspire you.
Write them down, along with notes to yourself on the actual action steps you can take to move yourself towards them. Then, instead of making them your New Years resolutions, make them PROMISES to yourself. No one likes breaking promises, including those we make to ourselves.
Move into 2010 with the intention of achieving every single one of those promises to yourself, and with the intention of completing each of those action steps that will move you ever forward. Write down those specific, doable, but somewhat lofty goals, along with those action steps each and every day from this point forward, and keep them fresh in your mind.
That which we think about most often comes into being. Focus on your promises to yourself, and watch them unfold like magic in 2010. Merry Christmas!
Oh, and don’t forget to drop a comment below, and RT this post if you like it. I LOVE hearing everyone’s thoughts and promises to themselves. Consider sharing with us one of your own promises, to help you ‘put it out there’.
Warm regards,
Cori Padgett