Wayne Padgett- R.I.P. Daddy, See You on the Other Side…

Hey BGB’ers.

Some of you may have heard by now, others may not have, so this is why I am writing this post.  Not too long ago my dad was diagnosed with throat cancer.

On July 1st, he went in for a radical tonsillectomy surgery.  It should have been an outpatient procedure.  He ended up staying a couple extra days to make sure he was swallowing OK.

They said everything looked great, despite some swallowing issues and some issues with throwing up phlegm for several hours in a row, which they said was “normal”.

Sunday eve he was getting ready to be released, the vomiting had stopped, and he managed to get some Ensure down.

Very suddenly, he started bleeding from a couple arteries in his throat.  He began to vomit blood, and quickly went into cardiac arrest.  He coded for 20-25 minutes, without oxygen to his brain which resulted in multiple strokes.

They managed to bring him back, slow down the bleeding and rush him to emergency surgery.  He was in surgery for several hours, came through it like a champ.  He fought hard.

However once out, he was in a coma and the docs tried to tell us there would be no hope of him waking, after just four days.

We decided that he fought that hard, that far, so we were going to keep him on life support, give him more time and proceed with some plans for an experimental treatment for brain damage.

Friday morning, July 8th he went through a minor surgery to insert a trach tube.  He did great, no problems.  They took him back up to ICU and from there suddenly his oxygen levels dropped.  Then his BP dropped.  And then he coded again.  They worked to bring him back for 10 minutes, but in the end they couldn’t.

He stopped fighting and left this world to join Jesus.

He put up a phenomenal fight, his will to live was strong and he had every intention of kicking cancer’s ass.  However I think he knew what me and my brother had planned to try to bring him back to us and bring him out of the coma, and he didn’t want to put us through that.

He was a fighter but he was also wise and knew when to walk away, and that’s what he did.  He’s gone now, but only temporarily… we’ll all see him again someday soon and in the meantime, I know he is happy and peaceful and looking down on us always.

R.I.P. Daddy, we’ll remember you always and try our best to smile when we think of you.  We know you would want that.

BGB’ers thanks for all your support and loyalty, I will get back to posting for you guys soon.  In the meantime you all know BGB is rich with archived content to keep you busy.  Gratitude to you all for making BGB such a great blog community.


Wayne Padgett Funeral Announcement