So, the past few weeks have pretty much been a whirlwind of busy-nass and currently no end in sight.
Between business, doctor appointments, kids driving me ‘nanas, and subbing in my kiddies elementary school in the autism unit, I feel a bit like a chicken with no head.
I’m hoping it settles down in time for the holiday’s though, so say a prayer.
In the mean time, Louise Steiner recently honored me with a blog mastery award. I was very pleasantly surprised, and grateful to be included in the awesome recognition.
If you want to read about where it originated, feel free to check out Miz Belinda Cunningham’s post. Be sure to check out both her 10 bloggers she nominated, as well as Louise’s ten blogger nominations.
I try to make sure all content put forth on BGB is of top quality, useful, and fun. So it’s a wonderful feeling to know that it’s being seen in the light I’d hoped for when I started it, by many!
That said, this is me, paying it forward to ten other bloggers I think are awesome, provide insane value to their readers, and in general kick a lot of blogging ass.
If you’re nominated, it’d be awesome if you could keep the love going and nominate ten more bloggers you think rock it like Kid. Otherwise I’ll be tempted to say “awesome” again, and you wouldn’t want that right?
10 Insanely Valuable Bloggers You Should Read
Farnoosh @ Prolific Living– Farnoosh is a wonderful blogger, and provides spectacular content and a warm environment for her readers to thrive. You can’t help but feel warm and fuzzy after connecting with her, so I’d say that makes her a pretty kick ass master of blogging. Or mistress rather.
Charilie @ Productive Flourishing– Charlie is kind soul whose sincerity rings with every word written on his blog. He’s what I like to call a “blogger with integrity” and he won’t steer you wrong.
Nathalie @ Raw Food Switch– I read Nathalie’s stuff because I am trying to incorporate more raw foods into my diet. She makes doing it not only fun, but killer easy too, which is why I adore reading her stuff.
Alisa @ Project Happily Ever After– Alisa is awesome because she writes in a style I easily gel with, on a variety of topics related to a. making a marriage work, and b. realizing that any good relationship starts with improving yourself first. Excellent content, highly recommended.
Rachel @ Pronagger– Rachel cracks me up, and her blog is great for those feeling a bit “stuck”. We all procrastinate, but Rachel makes it seem not so giant a mountain to overcome, which is great since I’m not much of a hiker. And hell, who couldn’t use a professional nag now and then to give a good swift kick in the rear? #justsayin’
Joel @ Joel Runyun– He blogs of “impossible things”. And personally I think we should all have an “impossible things” list we are striving for, so why not read his shite and get inspired? I did, and so… he gets the blog mastery award for inspiring me and making me assess my default mindset.
Chris @ Virtual Business Lifestyle– OK, so Chris talks a lot about outsourcing. I’m a huge fan of outsourcing. His blog is useful, damn useful and so in my book he’s providing “extremely valuable content”. So off you go grasshopper… Chris has much to teach!
Erin @ Nirvana Mamma– Follow your bliss is a great directive, and it’s one of the reasons I love Erin and her blog. Relatively new to blogging, she’s like a sponge, quickly soaking up everything she can about blogging, and then spewing it out wrapped up in spectacular content and an authentic “realness” you can’t always find.
Sinclair @ Self Activator– With taglines like “Get stuck in the on position” and “I see brilliant people”… it was like love at first blog. And with her subtle sense of humor and spectacular content, how can you not love her too? Go on… I dare you to say you don’t like her! (Can’t do it can ya?)
Rae @ Sugarrae– I love Rae’s blog because she’s a no bull shit kind of gal, who just does her blogging and making money online thing her way, shells out some experience and wisdom along the way, and gives those struggling to see some light in their lives a bit of glow to follow.
And the best part is she doesn’t try to tell you what your success should look like… she tells you it should look exactly like what you want it to look like. No comparing to the rest of the world, YOU decide. I like that. And now you should too.
OK, that’s it BGB’ers. Ten blogs that more than deserve being nominated for a Blog Mastery Award, at least in my book. Please visit them, read them, connect with them, and all that other fun stuff. They will love it, and I’m certain you will too!
As always, feel free to drop any thoughts in the comments below, and share this post like mad to all and sundry. (I so love that word!)