
Happy New Year My Lovelies!


I am currently in the throes of final preparations for our wedding, BGB style. Coming soon to a venue near you. hehe (OK maybe not exactly near you, but it sounded good.) Just wanted to take a moment out of the day to wish all of you a challenging (the good kind of challenging), wonderfully fabulous, productive, lucrative, and blessed 2013 in every way. While today is typically considered a day...

The 2011 Intention Intervention- Time to Bring the Awesome


We’re just hitting our 2nd week into the New Year and I’m sure you’ve all been busy bees, jotting down your intentions to make this your year. Like the Best. Year. Ever. (RIGHT?!) Or don’t you believe in New Year’s resolutions anymore? That’s cool; I don’t really dig the term resolutions either.  Sounds too much like absolutions, which in my warped brain starts making me think I need to be...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

Get in touch

Have a question? Need a quote? Feel free to reach out via my contact page, and I'll reply as soon as possible. You can also check out my new website at MyNameisCori.com for information on content retainers and portfolio links.

The best compliment that I can pay Cori is to simply say that “she gets it”.

She works extremely hard to capture the written “voice” that will define your business. Cori intuitively knows how to deliver your message in a voice that is both creative and effective. As a newly-minted small business owner, I rely heavily on both her counsel and her expertise. And on top of all of that, she’s hilarious!

Marian Rembert, VAforNonProfits.com

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