
Guest Post:Alpha Freelancers Seek Out and Accept Only High-Value Engagements – You Can Do the Same


Your next freelance copywriting client could be worth $1,000 to you. Or it could be worth $10,000 or more. It's up to you. No, it isn't the luck of the draw. No, it isn't about the economy. No it isn't about competition from other freelancers. If you think the value of your next freelance assignment is determined by external factors, you're just making excuses. It is determined by you. Alpha...

How Can A Small Business Compete? Part 1


If you're a small biz owner struggling to make a profit, you know that competing with the big dogs is usually a no-win situation. Wal-Mart has an obvious advantage over your local ma and pop shops. The huge chain gets drastic discounts from vendors, can afford to sell for little to zero markup and makes their money based purely on volume. This applies to online businesses as well. If you are...

21 Ways to Create Engaging Web Content


If you own a website or blog, you probably already know that the bulk of your visitors have the attention span of a gnat. Unfortunately that's just the way it is. So if you are creating content, and you want them to stick around and read some of it, it's got to be engaging. So here are 21 easy ways you can spruce up your content and make it more engaging and interesting to your readers.

Building Your Personal Brand As A Freelancer


As a freelancer you are the ‘Big Cheese’ when it comes to your business. You are ‘Head Honcho’ and your brand is YOU. So it’s important to keep that in mind when going into business for yourself. * You are responsible for the world’s perception of you and your services. * You are responsible for marketing yourself and creating a name for yourself. * You are responsible for following-up on leads...

Selling Yourself…Legally!


If you are running a small business, YOU are the business. Even if you’re actually selling a product, what you’re really selling is yourself and your service. So how do you sell yourself? Legally that is? :) First of all, be accessible. Set up your business so that your clients can contact you, personally. Doesn't have to be a phone number, but email access is great. Have a website, check (and...

When You Need Some Inspiration


Sometimes life is hard. Whether you're an entrepreneur or work a J.O.B. life gets crazy. It's hard and days are long and people can just suck. Business might be slow, money might be tight, friends might be distant. The thing to remember is that this is true for EVERYONE. Not just you alone. You aren't alone and your life isn't the only hard life on the planet. You're not the only one who has a...

Question Of The Day- Why?


I've found that goal setting is so important to success in not just business but in all that you seek to do. Everyday you should be writing down or mentally setting new goals for yourself to better your life and your mind. Even if it is a small goal such as reading one new good book a week, or making one new healthy dinner a week, or writing just one new press release to promote your business...

Guest Post: Bootstrapping on Steroids- Build an Internet, Technology or Software Company for Zero Dollars Part 3


This is the final piece in this 3 Part series, courtesy of Alex Genadinik. Here is Part 1 and Part 2 if you need to catch up. Introducing: Guest blogger and fellow Tweep Alex. Alex has a background in software engineering and is currently focused on building semantic systems for the business world. He is the founder of Semantic Valley, a web 3.0 start-up specializing in creating taxonomy and...

Universal Laws of Good Copywriting Part 4


Congratulations – you’ve made it to the final article in this series of copywriting rules. Here is Part 3 in case you missed it. By the time you’re done here, you should have an excellent idea of how to craft the best possible sales letter, using the most triggers possible. Here’s a quick refresher of what we’ve gone through so far: * Set out writing to one person. * Use your prospect’s language...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

Get in touch

Have a question? Need a quote? Feel free to reach out via my contact page, and I'll reply as soon as possible. You can also check out my new website at MyNameisCori.com for information on content retainers and portfolio links.

Omg omg omg omg omg omg!!!!!! You are freakin awesome!!!!!! Ok..let me try and compose myself…You rock Girl!!!! You hit it smack on the nail!

Takisha Smith, HeavenlyBottoms.com

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