
Don’t Piss Off Kevin Smith (and Other Solutions for Public Relations Nightmares)


Hey BGB’ers!  Thanks for your patience during this hard time in my life right now.   I’m slowly getting realigned after my dad’s death, but there has been a lot of stuff that went along with it outside of the emotional aspects I’ve had to deal with, so I’ve been pretty stupid busy. I expect to continue to be pretty busy right up until mid-September at the earliest...

Stop Diluting Your Brand And Up Your Twitter Power


This is a guest post by a dear member ‘o my tribe and BGB contributor Kazia. Please note, while I myself have multiple Twitter accounts I can’t argue with her logic! I find the bulk of my tweeting and activity is on my BGB account, and very little action happens on the other two! So read, learn, and implement grasshoppers… some good shite here. Oh and be sure to make her feel...

5 Tips for Printing an Outstanding Business Card


This is a guest post by James Adams. While I’m the first to say branding is about more than just a few business cards and a slick logo, branding literature is still important. Really, there’s something to be said for putting your best foot forward, and quality business cards can be a marketing tool well worth the investment, that allow you to do exactly that. So keep reading for some...

Why Embracing Your Quirkiness is the Ultimate Way to Build an Irresistible Brand


This is a guest post from fellow blogger (and BGB reader!) Jess- who likes to yammer on about being irresistible and such by embracing your inner “quirk”. Luckily “quirk” doesn’t translate into jerk and she’s really quite charming.  So I’m happy to have her throw her 2 cents in on BGB.  Please do your verily best to make her feel welcome, so we can strong...

Thought to Ponder- What Does Your Blog Say About You?


This is a guest post by Steve, regarding how important a role a blog can play in the success of your company.  And as a blogger and entrepreneur myself, my blog is a huge part of the impact I make on potential clients every day… so this is me, giving this post a huge thumbs up! More and more businesses now understand the importance of a blog to their company. A quick scan across business...

2010 Style- How to Enhance Your Image Through Networking


This is a guest post by Carol Montrose.  Networking today is vastly different than “the old days”.  Romancing old clients, and seducing new clients used to be a face-to-face production… now… not so much!  Carol explores the way things have changed, and how you can enhance your image today.  2010 style if you will. Networking doesn’t mean the same thing today as it did...

Top 10 Branding Examples Killing It and What You Can Learn From Them


This is a great guest post from Kyle… I simply had to run it today because it was too good a piece NOT to share with you all and offers some killer examples of branding at it’s absolute finest. So happy reading BGB’ers and be sure to let us know in the comments below if you know of other killer branding examples, large or small. There are plenty of companies out there that are...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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Have a question? Need a quote? Feel free to reach out via my contact page, and I'll reply as soon as possible. You can also check out my new website at MyNameisCori.com for information on content retainers and portfolio links.

Omg omg omg omg omg omg!!!!!! You are freakin awesome!!!!!! Ok..let me try and compose myself…You rock Girl!!!! You hit it smack on the nail!

Takisha Smith, HeavenlyBottoms.com

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