
#BGB Tutorial- How to Rebuild Your Brand For The Modern Age


This is a guest post courtesy of Mr. John Miller.  It’s time to get with the modern era, if you haven’t already. The business landscape is evolving and changing quickly, and brands that don’t even make the effort to keep up are going to bite the dust. Harsh? Maybe. Doesn’t make it any less true. Please share your thoughts and point of view in the comments below dorks. xo...

#BGB Tutorial- How to Tackle Social Media Complaints


This is a guest post courtesy of Kirsten with tips on tackling social media complaints that can affect your business and brand in a negative way. I’m sure you all remember the Kevin Smith debacle. Wouldn’t want a repeat, now would we?  Social media is today’s buzzword in the business world, and companies everywhere are eagerly jumping aboard this newest trend in online marketing. In...

3 Strategies to Build Credibility with Men as Female Entrepreneurs


This is a guest post courtesy of Patrick. In short… go hard or go home. Don’t waste your time and energy succumbing to fear and a lack of confidence. More and more fearless females are entering the exciting, stimulating and challenging world of entrepreneurship. Owning your own business is tough! But the rewards are hard to beat which is why men and women alike continue to make their...

#BGB Tutorial- 20 Handy Print Marketing Tips for Better Branding


Today’s guest post is brought to you courtesy of Company Folders. Some great tips here. If you find one or three useful, please consider sharing this post with others. 😉 With the convenience of digital marketing, many companies have forgotten how effective print marketing can be in attracting new customers and keeping existing ones. However, in order to be effective, you have to have...

5 Fantastic #Branding Tips for Freelance #Writers


This is a guest post courtesy of Joane.  As you know, branding is important for an entrepreneur, and that includes us freelance writers. These are good ideas to keep in mind before throwing up your shingle. As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. Are you a writer yourself? Any tips to share on branding yourself as a go-to professional? As a freelance writer, you...

Extending Your Brand- The When, Why and How of Things


This is a guest post courtesy of the lovely Lucy.  Could brand extension be for you? Keep reading and let’s find out. Please make her feel welcome in the comments below with any questions or insights of your own. Peace. Are your sales stagnant? Ready for something new for your brand? A brand extension could be just what your company needs to boost your bottom line. Here are the ins-and-outs...

Do or Don’t? Three Big Risks of Rebranding


This is a guest post courtesy of Christian Muller on three big potential risks that can often go hand in hand with a rebranding effort. While it’s not impossible to do successfully, it’s also not always easy. In fact I’d even go so far as to propose it’s never easy! But if you keep in mind these brief tips from Christian, you can increase your odds of a successful attempt...

How to Google Yourself (And Like What You Find)


This is a guest post by a chap named Devin Anderson. And get your mind out of the gutter people! 😉 I know you went there!  This is actually quite an informative read on making yourself prominent in the Google SERPS for your name. Hopefully I don’t have to tell you how valuable that can be. I’d appreciate if you’d make him feel welcome in the comments below and drop any questions...

Referrals- Why They’re Killing Your Biz and What You Can Do About It (Word.)


This is a guest post from Jared Kessler, Mr. Kick- Ass himself.  In this post he talks about how referrals can actually kill your biz (yes, KILL it, that wasn’t a typo) and what you can do to fix this crazy phenomenon.   You know the drill… make him feel warm and fuzzy in the comments below, and if you’ve got a question- ask it! Here’s how the conversation goes. “Oh hey.  I’d...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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Have a question? Need a quote? Feel free to reach out via my contact page, and I'll reply as soon as possible. You can also check out my new website at MyNameisCori.com for information on content retainers and portfolio links.

The best compliment that I can pay Cori is to simply say that “she gets it”.

She works extremely hard to capture the written “voice” that will define your business. Cori intuitively knows how to deliver your message in a voice that is both creative and effective. As a newly-minted small business owner, I rely heavily on both her counsel and her expertise. And on top of all of that, she’s hilarious!

Marian Rembert, VAforNonProfits.com

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