
Breathing Personality Into Your Branding Strategy


This is a guest post courtesy of Guy Asher. Ya’ll know I’m all about injecting a little personality into your copy and messaging, and using personality to help your brand stand a step above the rest.  Guy here has some interesting tips on ways you can do just that. Got ideas of your own? Feel free to share in the comments below this post.  You probably describe your business a certain...

How to Use Nationality to Strengthen Your Brand


This is a guest post courtesy of Sam Wright. This is a subject I myself hadn’t really thought of before, so I hope you find the information enlightening. Perhaps it will even spark some new and creative ideas in your own branding endeavors. Happy reading! There are many different facets brands use to reinforce their identity in a crowded market. One of the strongest is also one of the...

Your Biggest Business Asset and Milking It for All It’s Worth


This is a guest post courtesy of Craig. The landscape of business is constantly changing, constantly evolving, and new ways of doing business continue to emerge at an almost staggering pace. However, there is one constant that you can most definitely count on to stand the test of time. It quite possibly is the most valuable asset a business can cultivate, and often times can mean the difference...

The Successful Biz’s Not So Secret, Secret- Knowing and Using your Brand Identity


This is a very thoughtful guest post courtesy of Chris.  Branding yourself (at least in my book) really boils down to knowing who you are, both as an individual and as a business and communicating it clearly. It’s ultimately a way of differentiating yourself from the  pack, in a way that’s real and resonates with your people. Do it well, and you will reap the rewards. Don’t...

Finding and Defining Your Brand and Voice


We all want to be that Super Brand one day. You know, like Coca Cola and Pepsi, or McDonald’s and Burger King. These are super brands that have now become such a part of our society that we “know them”. We know the “voice” of our favorite brands. We understand that they have a personality and identity and we follow them because they reflect our “likes and beliefs” closest. These brands took...

8 Branding Essentials for Powerful Business Presentations


This is a guest post courtesy of the team over at Company Folders, on what it takes to create a powerful biz presentation. I tend to avoid things with the word presentation in them myself, so I thought deferring to someone with more experience in them would be a good idea, for those of you that do erm… present stuff.  Please feel free to drop any thoughts or questions in the comments below...

Branding like Apple: 20 Ways to Make your Biz Stand Out


This is a guest post courtesy of Roye Okupe. While branding really isn’t rocket science, it is an area some businesses tend to fall a little short in. Luckily, there are examples of bangin’ hot brands out there that know just what the frack they’re doing, and they do it well. They might not be perfect all the time, but they are consistently doing shite right, and you can learn...

To Do… or Not To Do… Getting Social with a Marketing Agency


Social media is here to stay folks. The platforms may change, processes may change, but it’s definitely not going anywhere. Unless of course we experience a sudden worldwide blackout, REVOLUTION style. (Tell me you get the reference!) But I digress. Some people, unfortunately for them, still tend to look at social media as a waste of time, or as merely a toy for young people. Some...

Sharing and Caring: Customer Love Pays Dividends


Happy Saturday BGB’ers! Here’s a little reading snack to brighten up your weekend consumption. It’s often said that social media is an outlet for natural conversations. If that’s the case, folks complaining about customer service was just bound to happen. Call it fate. Call it destiny. Call it a regular propensity to be a douche. You can even (sometimes) call it a truly...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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Have a question? Need a quote? Feel free to reach out via my contact page, and I'll reply as soon as possible. You can also check out my new website at MyNameisCori.com for information on content retainers and portfolio links.

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Takisha Smith, HeavenlyBottoms.com

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