
Unusual Places to Start a Business


This is a guest post courtesy of Alan Grant. I thought it’d be a fun piece to share with my fellow dorks as choosing your work space can vary massively based on personal predispositions. This post highlights a couple (ahem) less than traditional ideas for your office. My advice for the day? EVERY one should have an office in a fracken tree! Now who wants to make me one? 😉 Oh and as always...

Writing as a Career- Are You Feeling the Creative Seduction?


This is a guest post from Chris Hoole. I have to agree, going pro as a writer is pretty daft. It’s not easy, it’s not always fun, and sometimes you wonder if you’re in the right line of work. However as he mentions, for many writers it’s not always a matter of choice… it’s almost a compulsion! Kind of like diarrhea of the fingers or something. Words.  Must...

10 Woes of the Freelance Creative Pro


OK, so. When it comes to running your own small business, many people tend to think of “freelancing” as a dirty word. Personally, I really don’t see the difference.  Small business, freelance business, entrepreneurship… they all mean the same thing to me, and that is- YOU WORK FOR YOURSELF! Get it?  You and you alone are the Big Kahuna, you call the shots, you run the day...

How to Design a Printable Poster: 10 Tips


This is another guest post by dear James.  I thought it suitable as we discussed colors and branding earlier in the week. Now James will talk to you about designing a killer poster that can then be printed out and used shamelessly as a wicked promo tool for your biz.  And incidentally, colors happen play a huge role in their creation! 😉 If you’re a person who enjoys designing posters, you can...

Beat the Blues- 7 Tips for Staying Connected When Working Solo


Entrepreneurship can get lonesome.  Especially if you’re a solo-preneur. This is a guest post from Joy of Pounding the Pavement, on 7 ways you can stay connected and kick those less than perky feelings to the curb. You know all the reasons why running your own business is great—being your own boss, having a flexible schedule, less commuting. One thing you might not have anticipated was how...

Eminem- I’m Not Afraid to Take a Stand and Why You Shouldn’t Be Either


I’m not afraid to take a stand… Everybody come take my hand… We’ll walk this road together, through the storm…Whatever weather, cold or warm… Just let you know that, you’re not alone…Holla if you feel that you’ve been down the same road. When it comes to business and branding, and in my book just about everything in life, we should all take a page from Eminem’s notebook...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

Get in touch

Have a question? Need a quote? Feel free to reach out via my contact page, and I'll reply as soon as possible. You can also check out my new website at MyNameisCori.com for information on content retainers and portfolio links.

Since revamping my website with revitalized copy and search engine optimization, my client load has more than doubled. What has really surprised me is the number of people who come to my office saying that the copy on my website is what got them to call me.

People feel like they get a real sense of me before coming to meet me. This is amazing and means so much in a field often clouded with fear of the unknown. Cori was fantastic to work with in that she went above and beyond to really get what I needed my copy to say and HOW. I think it required a lot of patience on her part and I am so thankful I trusted her to help! Thanks Big Girl Branding!!

Melissa Hargrave, HillCountryTherapy.com

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