Gratitude is a funny thing.
We talk a lot about giving thanks for the things or people or events we are grateful for, but when it comes down to it, gratitude is sort of ephemeral. It comes, it goes, and sometimes we forget all about it.
But when we pay attention, it’s like an angel with gossamer wings.
It inspires, makes us feel good about ourselves and our lives, and allows us to appreciate those events in our lives that are hard; for the simple reason that they educate us and allow any good times to be all the sweeter.
When Gratitude is Hard
However, sometimes people struggle with gratitude. It’s not something you can touch or hold in your hand and admire. It’s not physical, tangible.
It’s not something that’s easy to find sometimes either, especially when your world feels dark or bleak.
But it’s something that when you DO find it, suddenly life seems brighter. The world seems filled with more possibilities. All of a sudden, you find yourself smiling even if 10 minutes earlier you were off crying in your beer. (No use denying it, I totally saw you a Beef-O’Brady’s last week. Bust.ed. )
It’s something that, when found can make a world of impact in your life… for when you can begin to appreciate all the things you are blessed with, suddenly it gets easier and easier to find even more things to be grateful for.
Before you know it, your life is overrun with gratitude and it’s spilling over into the lives of all the people you touch. That’s when something simple suddenly becomes awesome. It’s a ripple effect that influences not just your own life, but the lives of those around you.
And it’s the way the good Lord intended for that whole gratitude thing to work.
So, in the interests of being honest with you guys, I’ll admit that lately things have felt a bit dark for me. But I’m actively working to change that and make my world better. To that end, I’m participating in Sarah Prout’s Adventures in Manifestation, and I’ll be posting weekly about things I’m grateful for, as part of the “Rampage of Appreciation” she has now started.
Is this mildly off-topic for BGB? Probably, but it’s my party blog and I can cry drift if I want to.
But as a by-product, I hope that if I share what I’m grateful for with you on a regular basis, you’ll begin to participate and share with me some of the things you’re grateful for as well. You can do that in the comments below every post.
Anyhoo. Some thoughts.
And the most successful people I know realize that if they did not take the time to express their gratitude with all the gifts they are blessed with, eventually those gifts would just dry up. And so they give thanks, often daily, and swear by its impact in their lives and businesses.
So, while I know we normally talk shop around here for the most part, I wanted to let you know you may see the occasional gratitude post and you’ll just have to put your big girl panties on and deal.
Even better, participate.
How much might a healthy dose of gratitude change YOUR mindset, change YOUR life? Have a little fun with me now and in the future, and let’s just see. Consider this the gauntlet. The proverbial glove in the face.
Now let’s get on with it.
Things I’m Grateful for this Very Moment
My iPad… it’s awesome, I’m totally loving it. Yes I’m a dork.
Cold water in the fridge. My boys guzzle it like there is a drought, so having a few cold ones in there is astonishing. And SO blissful.
The baby went to sleep tonight without a peep. HIGHLY unusual, but TYBJ. Mayhap we’ll get a bit of sleep tonight.
My fiancé brought me Spanish food for lunch today when he came home. He tried to get me the corned beef egg rolls I was craving, but the place closed down. So instead he got me another fave, spanish pork and beans. Yum. #boyssoogoodtome
Tomorrow I am taking my grandma to get lab work. Which means we will likely get breaky somewhere. Did I mention I love food? Lol And so I’m grateful.
The babysitter for watching the baby today even though he was sick, so I could take a leisurely shower. She also plied me with coffee and b-vitamins after a hard night of no sleep. lol
The fact that I did not wake up with a headache this morning, despite the bad weather. OH so grateful for that, as I’ve been waking with one damn near every morning for like 3 weeks running!
That there are new episodes of Private Practice starting tonight to keep me entertained when rocking the wee guy.
That life is GOOD, despite a few setbacks and hardships. Very good in fact, and by taking the time to express a bit of gratitude, I can see that clearly.
So… how about you? Have something you’re grateful for, right this minute? Please share it in the comments below, I’d love to hear about it.
Also, if this post inspired you in any way, you can help me out by sharing it with your friends. And if you’d like to keep up with what’s new around here, feel free to subscribe via RSS or email, and you’ll never miss a thing.
‘Til next time, later taters!