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Finding and Defining Your Brand and Voice


We all want to be that Super Brand one day. You know, like Coca Cola and Pepsi, or McDonald’s and Burger King. These are super brands that have now become such a part of our society that we “know them”. We know the “voice” of our favorite brands. We understand that they have a personality and identity and we follow them because they reflect our “likes and beliefs” closest. These brands took...

8 Branding Essentials for Powerful Business Presentations


This is a guest post courtesy of the team over at Company Folders, on what it takes to create a powerful biz presentation. I tend to avoid things with the word presentation in them myself, so I thought deferring to someone with more experience in them would be a good idea, for those of you that do erm… present stuff.  Please feel free to drop any thoughts or questions in the comments below...

#BGB Tutorial- Rocking Successful Business Relationships


This is a guest post courtesy of Tim.  At some point in the life span of your business, you will probably partner with someone else.  Whether it’s a temporary collaboration on a single project, or a more long-term collaboration it’s important for you to play well with others, so to speak.  That seems to be easier said than done sometimes. Ego can get in the way, boundaries can get...

5 Feng Shui Office Tips to Ramp Up Your Work Flow and Productivity


This is a guest post courtesy of Kathryn Weber with tips from her new ebook Living Space: Simple Tips to Transform Your Home and how the same concepts can help you keep your office a productive space. Ya’ll know I have no shame in sharing my own struggles with productivity and work flow.  It’s seems to be the bane of a freelance writer’s existence, keeping things moving along...

#BGB Tutorial- 5 Tips to Rocking Your Customer Experience


Sometimes it’s easy to forget one of the biggest factors driving your business’ success—customer satisfaction. I know, for shame right? However business owners sometimes get a bit of tunnel vision when it comes to their day-to-day operations. Gotta make that money honey! But keeping existing customers and attracting new ones is an ongoing process and one of the most important to boot...

Take the Job or Chase the Dream? All In or Not at All


This is a guest post courtesy of Julie. All this talk of empire building recently, and Julie is on a mission to build one of her own. So, I agreed to her submission for two reasons. She has a great story with wisdom to share, and I wanted to help support her by bringing attention to her Kickstarter campaign. It’s hard to put yourself out there into the world, and try to create something out...

Smart Outsourcing for Entrepreneurs and Small Biz Owners


This is a guest post courtesy of Miz Sue Fenton. If you’re feeling any kinda overwhelmed with your business and entrepreneurial shenanigans, it “may” be time to consider outsourcing.  Just throwing it out there. 🙂 Please make Sue feel welcome in the comments below. If you run a business, you are likely to be (at least somewhat) familiar with outsourcing. Ie: contracting for...

The Secret Sauce to Building an Empire, Dork.. Erm.. Girl Style


Once upon a story, there was an online friend of mine named Nathan. He used to run a blog over at, where, once upon the same story, I wrote a fantabulous (not to toot my own horn or anything) guest post. On said blog, Nathan liked to talk a lot about “Empire” building. He also liked to use testosterone filled words like “Sword” and “Sacrifice” and “Redemption”. (He’s such a...

Mother Nature Approved “Green” Promo Items for Yo’ Biz


Alert- since Earth Day was just this week, I thought a little Mother Nature lovin’ to be an appropriate focus for today’s post.  Being an entrepreneur who is aware of the earth and its inhabitants, you strive to improve. (I did say strive now, no one expects perfection.) You’re giving, and your intentions are pure. A blog entry by Carrie Klassen of Pink Elephant Communications...

Branding like Apple: 20 Ways to Make your Biz Stand Out


This is a guest post courtesy of Roye Okupe. While branding really isn’t rocket science, it is an area some businesses tend to fall a little short in. Luckily, there are examples of bangin’ hot brands out there that know just what the frack they’re doing, and they do it well. They might not be perfect all the time, but they are consistently doing shite right, and you can learn...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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