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Clever Little (Cost Effective) Ways to Get Your Business Name Out Locally


This is a guest post courtesy of Alice Jenkins. You can never have too many ideas for marketing your business. At least not in my book. hehe While one thing may work for some, something else may work for another, and the below ideas are a mix of tried and true as well some more less typical ideas than just the t-shirt and expo show schtick.  Advertising and marketing is a gamble no matter how you...

Successful Women and Secrets to World Domination- Muahaha!


OK, maybe not world domination exactly. But pretty fracken close! Women consistently launch new businesses at a rate at twice that of their male counterparts, according to The Wall Street Journal. And if you dear reader, are one of those women, you may be looking toward other business leaders to learn their secrets of success. Just make sure you’re looking to good examples! Be Savvy Run...

Blogging: Why Good Manners Still Matter


This is a guest post courtesy of Mckenzie, with a lil edumucation on manners.  I know your mama (or papa, or some equivalent) taught them to you so don’t pretend you don’t know what they are or how to use ’em.  This post is specifically about manners and etiquette as it relates to guest blogging, but hey… manners are manners and good use of them is appreciated everywhere...

Common E-Commerce Mistakes = Lost Sales


This is a guest post courtesy of Kirsten, and how your ecommerce site could very well be leaking money like perforated balloon leaks air. If you don’t have an ecommerce site, but do still sell stuff online, then pay attention as well, because these tips could easily be transferred to you too. Ready? Set? Go! (As in read. Duh. hehe) There is a tremendous amount of competition in the world of...

The Successful Biz’s Not So Secret, Secret- Knowing and Using your Brand Identity


This is a very thoughtful guest post courtesy of Chris.  Branding yourself (at least in my book) really boils down to knowing who you are, both as an individual and as a business and communicating it clearly. It’s ultimately a way of differentiating yourself from the  pack, in a way that’s real and resonates with your people. Do it well, and you will reap the rewards. Don’t...

#BGB Tutorial- 7 Great Ways to Grow Your Brand Image


This is a guest post courtesy of Ruth with some tried and true ways to increase your brand’s visibility. We talk about ideas like this a lot on #BGB, largely because well… they work. And I figure the more they are hammered into your head, the more the ideas will stick. hehe So here we go, hammering away. Brand image is a vital part of ANY business, whether you are talking about a...

Handy Insurance Tips Small Biz Owners Need to Know


This is a guest post courtesy of Claire Atkinson. Dealing with insurance, (like dealing with pesky taxes or a credit card comparison for much needed start up funds) rarely invokes visions of unicorns and rainbows. Unfortunately it is still a necessary expense, and not just when it comes to your health care.  Claire has graciously provided advice on the myriad options your business may or may not...

#BGB Tutorial- 4 Ways to Broadcast Your Business and Brand to the Masses


If you’re a small biz owner struggling to get your products/service and brand, you’re not alone. Every business faces this mountain at some point. Climbing that mountain can be downright discouraging when results don’t happen as quickly as you think they should. Fortunately there is no lack of creative (aaaandd not so creative) ways to get your business out there to the public and generate buzz...

What (Safe) Guerrilla Marketing Can Do For Your Biz


Actually, I believe it’s “Guerrilla” derived from the Spanish term guerrilla warfare, but hey… tomato, tomatoh. The picture was nifty.  Anyhoo, this is a guest post courtesy of Julie with some rather umm… creative… marketing techniques even the big guys are using on occasion. However, a word of caution. These tactics are not for the faint of heart, nor do they...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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