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Make Your Biz Exciting Again with These 5 Hot Business Trends


Is your business in need of a Red Bull? Wait, scratch that, I think I’m in need of a Red Bull. This has been an exhausting week, let me tell ya. Alas, I won’t bore you with the deets, so let’s talk biz. And yes, your business may very well be in need of a Red Bull too. (Good thing they make that stuff, eh? hehe) According to the U.S. Census Bureau, approximately 55 percent of...

Business And Psychology- Does It Pay To Be A Psychopath?


This is a guest post courtesy of Evan. I admit I was definitely a little taken aback when I read the title to this post and immediately thought of people like Freddy Krueger, Jason, and Marky Mark in the movie Fear… hehe. However keep a readin’ because this post just might surprise you and make you reassess your perceptions of psychopaths and whether or not it does indeed… pay...

Breathing Personality Into Your Branding Strategy


This is a guest post courtesy of Guy Asher. Ya’ll know I’m all about injecting a little personality into your copy and messaging, and using personality to help your brand stand a step above the rest.  Guy here has some interesting tips on ways you can do just that. Got ideas of your own? Feel free to share in the comments below this post.  You probably describe your business a certain...

#BGB Tutorial: Optimism + Affiliate Marketing = Rich Potential Rewards


This is a guest post courtesy of Alan. He dives pretty comprehensively into the nuts and bolts of something called affiliate marketing. If you’re a blogger or have any experience with the online realms, you may have heard of it and perhaps even dabble in it yourself. I know many a fellow blogger that makes a tidy little side income from affiliate sales. If you’ve never heard of it...

How to Use Nationality to Strengthen Your Brand


This is a guest post courtesy of Sam Wright. This is a subject I myself hadn’t really thought of before, so I hope you find the information enlightening. Perhaps it will even spark some new and creative ideas in your own branding endeavors. Happy reading! There are many different facets brands use to reinforce their identity in a crowded market. One of the strongest is also one of the...

Your Biggest Business Asset and Milking It for All It’s Worth


This is a guest post courtesy of Craig. The landscape of business is constantly changing, constantly evolving, and new ways of doing business continue to emerge at an almost staggering pace. However, there is one constant that you can most definitely count on to stand the test of time. It quite possibly is the most valuable asset a business can cultivate, and often times can mean the difference...

Is Your Blog Optimized for Mobile?


Web design is steadily changing, and computers are quickly becoming secondary to mobile devices as far as getting online goes. With global PC sales at an all-time low, it’s more important than ever for bloggers and website owners to make sure their sites are capable of accommodating mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. When someone accesses your blog on a mobile device, like a phone or a...

#BGB Tutorial- Eight Things To Do Before You Start A Small Business


This is a guest post courtesy of Brian. Starting a business can be as difficult or as easy as you want it to be, it’s all in how you prepare and perceive it. Below are some tips to consider before jumping in whole hog. If you’re thinking about starting a new business, you’ve probably already heard the statistics. According to the Small Business Association: 50% of small businesses fail in...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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