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Helpful Copywriting Tips: World-Class Copywriter Responsibilites


The term “copywriter” is a pretty broad one, and covers a lot of different areas. One copywriter can solely write direct mail, while another can do online sales letters, press releases, auto-responder copy, or a combination of all 3. Even if you know the type of sales material you want your copywriter to come up with, the lines can even be fuzzy from there. In this article, we’re going to discuss...

Hiring a Freelance Writer- Where to Look


Can a great writer be an asset to any business? Of course he or she can! Good writers can be great helpers, especially to small businesses that equate time and money to the survival of their business. There are a number of situations in which you might need a writer. Some of these would include if you are not a good writer, if you need a technical writer to do a specific job, or if you are too...

What are Your Promises to Yourself in 2010?


It's almost time for Santa! And the New Year is quickly approaching. So I'm curious as to your plans on making 2010 your best year ever. Have you thought about it? Typically, the New Year is a time for resolutions and promises to yourself to make more money, lose more weight, or spend more time on yourself, etc. Resolutions are great! Unfortunately they usually don't last very long. So my...

Not So Secret Fundamentals to a Positive Mindset


Yesterday I talked about a positive mindset and how a lack of sleep can really put a damper on it. And I feel that a positive mind is really important to running a successful business as well as achieving personal goals, so I wanted to talk about a few key fundamentals to keeping your brain happy and focused. First of all, figure out what the heck it really is that YOU want from your life. Not...

The Sandman’s Secret Hostage Hold Over YOUR Positive Mindset


More and more everyday my belief in the power of a strong and positive mindset grows. There is nothing you can’t achieve if you focus your thoughts and intentions on it, and believe that you will get it, regardless of how hard it is or how long it takes. For some people though, it can be tough. Heck it’s tough for me at times too. And I notice that I am especially susceptible to a poor and...

You Don’t Build A Business On Hope And Faith


OK, so just to be clear, I'm a huge believer in faith, the power of positive thinking, and that yes, miracles do happen. So I'm not knocking any of those things, or the power that hope can have in a person’s life and their perceptions of the world. That doesn't mean I'm going to leave my livelihood up to those things. C’mon, a girl’s gotta eat! And shop, and hang with friends, and go see cool...

Triggering Emotion to Increase Sales


Photo By Cayusa Ad copy can be 10 times more effective when you learn emotional direct response marketing tactics to trigger emotions within your prospects that prompt them to buy.  That being said, here are a few tips you can use to trigger those emotions and work your prospects like a well tuned fiddle. Ethically speaking of course. 🙂 First, its a must that you do ample research. Before you can...

The Power of a Single Year…


Roughly a year ago today, I was cleaning vacation homes for a living, and was lucky if I made $200 bucks in a week. I was miserable, stressed, and utterly loathed my job. Seriously, I don't know a single person who can honestly say they LIKE cleaning up after other people. Glamorous it is NOT! I was tired all the time, depressed because I never had time for me, and certain there just HAD to be a...

POLL: I Want to Know…


Your biggest, brightest, most burning questions and problems regarding: Business and Entrepreneurship Smart and Effective Marketing Ad Copy and Copywriting Search Engine Optimization E-Mail Marketing and List Building Blogging/Content Development Relationship Marketing Web Content Social Media and Self-Employment Branding Increasing Revenue Delegating Creating Systems and Leverage And anything...

Plain English… Spit It Out Already!


Photo by DerrickT One of the biggest mistakes people make when writing web copy and trying to make a sale is making things sound more complicated than they really are. Don’t say something like “Your order qualifies for complementary shipping when you spend $50 before December 1” when you could say “Free Shipping on Orders of $50 Until December 1st”  Making things...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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