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Do You Limit Yourself and Your Success?


Being an entrepreneur takes guts. Yes there can be some glory in it (hmnn… or maybe that’s just in my own secret little dreams and fantasies…) but there can also be a lot of pain, fear, doubt and disillusionment. Self-employment isn’t easy and anybody who tells you it is… they’re lying through their scummy little teeth and you should knock a few out just for kicks.  Yes, I’m bloodthirsty...

18 Ways to Kick Distractions to the Curb


Working for yourself can be fun. It can be rewarding.  It can be lucrative and exciting and all those fun other fun to say words.  It can also have a LOT of distractions, especially when the bulk of your business is conducted online the way mine is. That said, here are 18 ways to kick distractions to the curb right now to afford yourself more time today to be productive and finish up that project...

The Care and Feeding of Copywriters


This letter is courtesy of fellow copywriter Rick Duris who is also a fellow Warrior on the Warrior Forum. I think he has some great points in this letter than a lot of marketers need to hear, and he gave me permission to share it. Warning: Somewhat long, but a great read regardless. Thoughts and comments are welcome! Dear Fellow Marketer, Like you, I am a marketer. But at my core, in my heart, I...

12 Important Goals to Set For Yourself and Your Business This Year


Everyone should have goals for their business, whether personal or professional. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that without planning you plan to fail. That said, here are 12 things I think are important goals to set for yourself and your biz. These are 12 things I strive for myself, and feel could be a good fit for you as well. I am sure there are plenty of other important things I’m just not...

8 Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs


So in the last post, Self-Employment: Do You Have What It Takes? I introduced the topic and discussed a bit about what it really takes to be a successful entrepreneur. Now here are 8 traits that many of those who are successfully self-employed share in common… let’s see how you rank. Make sure to leave your comments in the box below and subscribe to my RSS feed to keep up with new posts. 8 Traits...

Self-Employed: Do You Have What It Takes?


Sure, self-employment sounds glamorous. You envision working for yourself, ditching the grind of a J.O.B., making oodles of cash, and doing it all in just one day a week! But the reality isn’t quite so glamorous, nor is it achieved in working just one day a week. At least not when you start out at any rate! Unless you’ve had a different experience than me? If so do share! :) The reality is that...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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