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Get the Best Clients and- Novel Idea- Keep Them! Oh and Give Them Candy!


Being an ‘entrepreneur’ has a ton of challenges.  When you’re a freelancer on top of that (meaning you cater to clients, not just “customers”) there are even more of them! One of the biggest challenges I think with being a successful freelancer is in finding the right people to work for. Clients might be your boss (sort of) but guess what? They are also your partners! (Sort of). And, while it’s...

1 Plus 2 Equals More of You- Effective Delegation Rocks!


Delegation. What is this crazy idea you speak of?! Relax.  It’s really not that crazy of an idea at all. “Delegation means delegating responsibility, authority and accountability”.  Now… doesn’t that sound pretty sweet?  Sheesh, it does in my book!  Who wouldn’t want to hand off a bit of responsibility and accountability to someone else?  In strictly a good way of course! 😉 Effective delegation...

Effective SEO Strategies from a Self Proclaimed Non-Expert


OK, so I got a pretty good response when I talked about SEO and social media the other day.  Which led me to ponder… What do you really know about search engine optimization or SEO?  I mean really. Which led me to the somewhat warped conclusion that after discussing it briefly… I feel we should discuss it some more.  You know, to drive it all home and make sure it’s embedded in that sweet little...

A Productive Workspace, Your Home Office and YOU


OK, so if you’ve embraced the life of an entrepreneur (like me!), chances are you work from your home and have some sort of ‘home office’ get-up.  (Also like me!) That is awesome, because you NEED that space.  Even if it’s just a tiny corner of your bedroom with a desk in front of a window that you can claim as your own, that’s a great start.  You need that clearly defined ‘place of work’. It’s a...

4 Things Reality TV Can Teach You About Succeeding in Business


Yes, I watch TV. And don’t lie.  You know you do, too. It’s likely that it’s one of your secret guilty pleasures. And why not? Television makes for great writing material! When there is nothing better to do or the need to get “inspired” arises, many people do turn on the TV sets to see what’s “new.” TV also makes for a conversation piece. Did you know that television shows drive social media...

Stuck Like Chuck and Breaking That Dam to Pieces


We all have our moments of feeling ‘stuck on stupid’. You know. Like when you feel as if your brain is just a soggy, mushy mush of cells and brain matter, with nothing sparking along the synapses.  No signs of visible life.  Maybe an alien thought wiggles around here and there, but quickly flits out of sight. Kind of like Mars! Only less outer-spacey and more oozy and gory. Your only recourse to...

SEO vs. Social Media- Who Wears the Pants?


The short answer if you’re tight on time and really don’t want to read my stuff (sniffle, sniffle)… is that social media and SEO wear the pants in this duo. I know, SO boring when there’s a tie!  Where’s the blood? The guts? The glory? No TKO?  Sheesh. Alas, it’s true my friend. Search engine optimization (SEO) and social media are catchphrases you hear and read about on a daily basis if you’re...

Work-Life Balance and Kickin’ Some You Know What!


One of the reasons I gave up the dreaded J.O.B. (Just Over Broke) rat race and decided to go on my own is because I’d simply had it. I wanted to own my time again and I wanted to be my own boss. The burnouts weren’t worth it. The long hours for minimal pay made me unproductive and unhappy. I gave up my J.O.B. because I wanted my life back and I wanted an income that made a difference in my life. ...

Guest Post- What Has Your Blog Done For You Lately?


If you run your own business and you’re using a blog for marketing and relationship building purposes, when is the last time you really evaluated how well that’s working out for you?  Steve offers some good ideas to review where you’re at and where you’re going with your blog.  Happy reading! Anyone involved in corporate business will have realized the benefits a regularly...

This Craaaazy Little Thing Called Blog Love


Yesterday I was pleasantly surprised to receive a tweet and an email by the lovely Farnoosh of ProlificLiving letting me know she’d nominated me for a Beautiful Blogger Award.  To be honest, being ‘somewhat’ new to this whole blogging community I’d never heard of it before, but nevertheless I was totally psyched to be nominated.  (First time I can remember being nominated for anything… like ever...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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