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Why Guest Posting is Fun in 200 Words or Less…


Photo by NanjoKoji OK so I’ve been a bit busy this week playing catch up after being sick with the shingles.  Please forgive this short and sweet post, and I promise I’ll give you something more substantial in a day or two. Anyhoo… here’s why guest posting is fun in 200 words or less. I get to make new friends.  And some interesting ones. I get to find new readers.  And...

Newsletter Ideas for Slackers (Um… I Mean Inspirationally Challenged!)


Photo by RP Blakely (Side Note: This is sort of a continuance of the list building theme from the last post. What can I say, I’m on a kick.) If you’ve been observing the online business community these past few years, you immediately notice that the power of the Internet has been spreading like wildfire when it comes to entrepreneurs and small business owners getting their ‘message’ out to the...

List building- the Life Blood of a Web-Based Entrepreneur… ‘Fo Schizzle’!


People tell me all the time that they waste so much writing paper because of the many lists that they have to make. Some folks, for example, need reams and reams of note paper plus different-sized and colored Post-Its to keep track of all the things that they do every day. From the moment they wake up, they busy themselves crossing out the things in their list that they have already accomplished...

Top 28 Coolest Tools to Monitor Your Brand in Like…Ever!


Photo by Dustin Diaz First up- a fracken disclaimer because you know I need one: I am NOT a doctor, a psychologist, or any other thing that ends in “ist”. So take whatever I say next with a grain of salt, not as gospel truth. Kay? They say that there’s a difference between hearing and listening. Hearing in my book is when something goes in one ear and right out the other. It’s ‘heard’ and...

Old Skool Marketing- Networking Your Way to Super Stardom


Photo by Fire Horse Leo First of all, let’s square away a few facts. Do you own a small business? Are you an up-and-coming entrepreneur? Are you a freelancer? Are you a blogger? Do you work from home? If you’re any of these, then you “should” know just how important building a viable business network can be. In fact, it can be the one thing that can make or break your solo-entrepreneurial gig and...

Dear Big Girl Branding- An Open Letter of Apology to My Blog


First of all, I’d just like to thank you for being so good to me since your birth. I know those birthing canals can get a bit tight, so I am grateful you don’t hate me for not being a better “birther”.  (Yes I made that word up.) Since you were born, you’ve come a long way. You morphed from SexyCopy.Org, with its somewhat off-putting name (No, sexy copy was not a porn site, tyvm) into the...

Copywriting for Uninitiated Business Entrepreneurs


Photo by YlvaS A light bulb moment happens occasionally. And during this moment… it occurred to me today that perhaps a bit of organization to Big Girl Branding’s content could be in order.  With that in mind, here is the first of many (I hope) to come “cornerstone pages”, “pillar pages”, or “tutorial pages”… whatever particular handle makes...

Big Biz, Small Biz-Why the Former Succeed and the Latter Fail


There it is folks, in black and white. There are just some things in this world that can’t be denied and the fact that small businesses fail despite the best efforts of the people behind them is just one of the many things in life we might not “get” but still have to swallow. And what a bitter pill it is!  Or maybe it’s more akin to swallowing nails, whichever metaphor suits your drama...

Using Social Media as a Customer Service Slam Dunk- You’re Joking Right?


Photo by LawGeek Well, actually no. Social media is here and it’s changing the way we do things on a daily basis. But if Twitter, Facebook, Plurk and all those other social networking sites mushrooming up every nanosecond or so have that much power in the real world… We should all be running screaming in fear away from our laptops, computers and iPhones, right? Wrong. You see, the social media...

Top 12 Blogs I Want to Elope to Rome and Get Dirty With Inside the Sistine Chapel- Kind Of…


Photo by Molly OK, so I know by some people’s standards I might be seen as a pretty busy bee.  I blog, I ghostwrite, I guest post, and I Tweet just to name a few. I also have my own projects in the works, I have a home to maintain, and mustn’t forget to work on my fitness while I’m at it! And I do it all with a smile while raising two crazy boys… so take THAT Super Mom! So I won’t even get into...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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