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You Might be an Ick Writer If…


It’s come to my attention after my first stint on ProBlogger that I’m NOT the only writer on the planet that likes to write naked and eat lots of ice cream and chocolate.  And by write naked I mean fully clothed but like… totally vulnerable and authentic. HA! You thought I really meant naked didn’t you. Dirty. Really though, I’ve decided a writers club is in order. “The Naked Writers Generation...

7 Ways Transparency Can Benefit Your Business


This is a guest post by James Adams, on just why transparency is such a big “deal” these days, and why it can be good for your business.  As someone who strives to be pretty transparent myself, I felt as a BGB reader you’d likely appreciate the post and perhaps even have some insight yourself on how transparency has helped you in your own entrepreneurial journey. If so...

Pipe Dreams are for Losers- Why Not Sculpt Your Own Reality Instead?


I used to be just like my neighbor. He gets up every day, gets dressed, and goes through the motions of his daily morning routine. Then he grabs his keys and heads out the door, off on his commute to wherever it is in this world he happens to work. You know… his J.O.B. And yes, that is a mild sound of disgust you hear (read?) when I say that! See I used to work a J.O.B. too. A hard and...

So Called “Free” Days, Making Every Day a Success and Rockin’ It like Aerosmith


OK, maybe not quite like Aerosmith. They’re pretty much Kings of the whole rockin’ it thang. But you can make every day count even when it feels like you can’t. I don’t know about you but I’ve been feeling like “work” is a bit slow lately. I find myself with not as much “vital I need to get this done to get paid shit” and more of the “less vital I need to get this done because I really want to...

Online Marketing: Should You Opt for a Popular or Niche Market?


This is a guest post from Dan Offer regarding the age old question entrepreneurs  new to online marketing face.  Popular or niche?  Dan breaks it down and attempts to help you make the best decision for YOU. And if you like this post, please be sure to drop your comments below. Probably the most important decision to be made when considering a home-based career as an online marketer is what...

BGB’s Entrepreneurial Readers Who are Rockin’ It


So you may or may not be aware that I have been “attempting” to participate in the ProBlogger 31 Days to Build a Better Blog Challenge, (Yup that’s an affiliate link!) with the SITSGirls and BlogFrog communities. I say attempting, because even with all those folks participating, I am still about 10 days behind! Regardless, I figured I’d start where everyone else is at and work my way...

Attract Your Perfect Client and Enslave Them So Only YOU Can Satisfy Their… Erm… Biz Needs!


Dirty… you totally thought I was going to say something different didn’t you? Minds out of the gutter people! But OK, so mayhap I did exaggerate just an eensy weensy bit there. Maybe you can’t keep a client enslaved and enamoured with your work for the entire duration of happily ever after… after all, ever after is a pretty long time. But hey… you can damn sure try! You can make...

The Problogger 7 Link Challenge- WITH Commentary


Today I decided to participate in Darren @ Problogger’s 7 link challenge. It sounded like a fun endeavor, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed putting it together. So without further ado… here are my 7 links! My First Post My very first post ever… and don’t laugh either!  OK, so maybe this was actually my second.  My first was actually a post written by Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero...

Creative Business Success: How to Synchronize the Right and Left Brains


This is a guest post by Annie Wallace, with some great insight and tips into being a successful (primarily) right-brained entrepreneur.  AKA the “creative type” that loves the “idea phase” but struggles a bit with “the biz” side of things.  Now who does that sound like… you perhaps? In business and in life we tend to categorize people as ‘left brained’ or...

A Blog Carnival Virgin- And Why You Should Be My First!


OK my people… this is a first for me, and I hope you’ll join Joella of Blogs With Wings and I in this fun little foray deeper into the realm of blogging and networking. I will be hosting her latest Blog Carnival edition here on BGB and we’re looking for posts from you on ways to successfully convert your blog from a simple, mayhap even personal operation… into a more advanced, business oriented...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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