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9 Research and Sleuthing Tools Your Business Can’t Live Without


OK, so in the latest guest post, James discussed the importance of keyword research as a form of gathering market research or intel on what people are looking for when it comes to your content. Those thoughts spawned the thought that market research in general would be a great topic to expand upon a bit, because to put it bluntly… if you don’t know your market, you’re going to have a helluva time...

And Survey Says… Ta-Da! I’m a Bit Surprised!


Hey BGB’ers. You might recall a little over a week ago I published a post asking for your feedback to some questions I had regarding products and services you might be interested in. I gave the post some time to percolate and for some of you to answer, and now today I’m back with some somewhat surprising (at least to me!) results! So without further ado, here’s what I asked, and what many of...

Search Engine Love Fest- 10 Simple Rules for Picking Good Keywords


Alright BGB’ers… I know I’ve been neglectful of you the last several days, I had bridesmaid duties to attend to… which unfortunately threw me a bit off in my schedule!  (I know, I know, don’t shoot me!) Luckily dear James has come to the rescue with a guest post for me, on a topic I think is extremely important if a blog or website is part of your marketing arsenal...

5 Ways to Jazz Up Your Creative Chutzpah and Triumph Over Your Slump


If you’re the sort of person who makes a living out of using your imagination and creativity, then you know that losing the inspiration and the drive to write can sometimes feel like the beginning of the end. It’s like death in slow motion, like drowning in a sea full of sharks, like being left home alone in the middle of a snowstorm. It’s definitely not the most fun time of your life, and it’s...

Be Your Own Most Valuable Brand and Sell Yourself to Anyone: 13 Essential Steps


This a guest post written by Scott Dinsmore of ReadingForYourSuccess on 13 essentials when it comes to branding and influencing people.  Excellent reading if I do say so myself.  Be sure to drop any thoughts or feedback in the comments below, and happy reading! How would you like to never again have to worry about making money or finding a job? Obvious, I know. But we all have the ability to sell...

Get an O for Outstanding and Awaken Your Inner Entrepreneur


Let’s face it folks—standing out and being an excellent and successful entrepreneur is harder than it sounds. I mean sure, it looks easy as pie on paper, but reality is often quite a bit different than what the textbooks tell you. Sure it sounds pretty awesome, and often is. No boss, no corporate culture, no need to put in 8 plus hours of work in a drab office every day, surrounded by snippy...

BGB’ers I Need Your Help


I am currently outlining some product ideas that I hope to roll out in the future, and to put it simply… I need your feedback. I need to know what YOU as a reader of BGB and fellow entrepreneur (or wannabe entrepreneur!) would happily pay good money for me to create for you. Now I know it’s tough to part with money, which is why I need your help in the creation department.  I only...

9 Tips to Help Establish Yourself as an Authority


This is a new guest post by our guy James Adams on some solid tips to help you establish authority within your niche.  Any questions, POV, or other general hoopla is appreciated in the comments below.  And keep in mind the BIG QUESTION as you read… How are YOU establishing your authority, right now within your niche? If you have been trying to jump-start your blog or web content site, then...

Eminem- I’m Not Afraid to Take a Stand and Why You Shouldn’t Be Either


I’m not afraid to take a stand… Everybody come take my hand… We’ll walk this road together, through the storm…Whatever weather, cold or warm… Just let you know that, you’re not alone…Holla if you feel that you’ve been down the same road. When it comes to business and branding, and in my book just about everything in life, we should all take a page from Eminem’s notebook...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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