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Put the “Pop” in Popular- Making Your Biz Cool


Did you ever think that being “cool” was just for teenagers, wannabes and people with nothing else to do with their time? Think again. In the cutthroat world of business, there is nothing more important than projecting an aura that makes your brand sparkle from head to foot. Yes, sparkle my friend.  As in being ridiculously interesting. Because in this day and age of digital technology, social...

RARE Business- An “Unusually Great” Book You Should Read


You know, as a writer, it probably comes as no surprise to the masses that I like to read. All throughout my childhood I was always called things like “book worm” and “book nerd”. As I grew, I read voraciously. My focus back then of course was fiction; I loved the way a well-written story could take me outside of myself and send me drifting on a cloud of imagination. As I grew older I found my...

Kick Ass Branding- Poetry Style. Kinda


OK BGB’ers… today I’ve done something a bit different. I was feeling mildly bored with the typical blog post and decided to exercise my creative muscle a bit. I decided to use the term kick ass branding, and create a blog post from all the letters, with thoughts on how it relates to building… well… a kick ass brand. Once I was done, I realized that while this post was supposed to be about...

9 Tips for Brand Consistency in Your Printed Literature


This is a guest post by James Adams. I know I often say branding is not just about a logo, or website, or the visual materials.  That said, all those things are most definitely a part of an effective brand strategy. And James offers 9 stellar tips to help you keep that image consistent, whether you’re a small two man operation, or a company that’s experienced massive growth. Many...

Rules of Engagement- Are You Creating a “Brand Bond” with Your People?


Ha… love that term, “brand bond”.  I jacked it from this white paper I just read called Engagement of the Future. It was a bit over my head, I tend to like simple and straightforward information, and when you start talking number crunching, metrics, and acronyms my eyes start to glaze over. However I did walk away with a few of the finer points, and what struck me most was this...

The Blog Mastery Award- Who Rocks It Like Kid?


So, the past few weeks have pretty much been a whirlwind of busy-nass and currently no end in sight. Between business, doctor appointments, kids driving me ‘nanas, and subbing in my kiddies elementary school in the autism unit, I feel a bit like a chicken with no head. I’m hoping it settles down in time for the holiday’s though, so say a prayer. 😉 In the mean time, Louise Steiner recently honored...

On @TrafficGenerationCafe- Blog Carnival Shenanigans…


This is a recent guest post for Ana at Traffic Generation Cafe, regarding my first time experience with blog carnivals.  In this post, I pretty much lay out how the whole blog carnival thing works, and how it can benefit you and drive some traffic your way.  It’s gone over well, so you might want to take a peek if you’ve the time. 🙂

Smart Ways to Use Facebook for Relationship Marketing


This is a second guest post via Daniel as a bit of a follow-up to the previous post regarding Facebook.  As Daniel mentions, Facebook is huge, with over 500 million active users. Love it or hate it, that’s a whole lotta people at the tips of your little fingers, and savvy businesses are utilizing Facebook (often in conjunction with Twitter) as the ultimate relationship marketing tool, via...

Facebook as Part of Your Influence Strategy


It’s funny Daniel came to me with guest posts on the topic of Facebook, as I’m currently in the middle of creating a PLR report on that very topic. lol But Daniel’s post is great because influence does indeed play a huge role in the success of a business. If you’ve thoughts or comments, please don’t hesitate to drop them in the comments area below, and as always...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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