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As a Writer- 10 Steps to Finding Your Very Own “Little Monsters”


It’s no secret that effective branding requires building a fan base.  But in order to build a fan base, you gotta first know who your fans are.  Lady Gaga has this whole concept nailed, and even has a pet name for her people… “Little Monsters”. She knows EXACTLY who she’s writing, singing, and performing for. As a writer in particular, it’s always important to know who your audience is, what they...

Business Intelligence BAD ASS- Do You Have What It Takes?


OK boys and girls. Listen up. I know it may seem I’ve been rather promote-y lately with all the cool things I’ve been endorsing BUT… it can’t be helped! ‘Tis the season, and all these things I’ve been yammering about lately, are… well COOL. Duh. Anyhoo, that brings me to today and something ELSE killer cool that I can’t help but share. Some of you may or may not know my buddy David of Heroic...

5 Tips for Printing an Outstanding Business Card


This is a guest post by James Adams. While I’m the first to say branding is about more than just a few business cards and a slick logo, branding literature is still important. Really, there’s something to be said for putting your best foot forward, and quality business cards can be a marketing tool well worth the investment, that allow you to do exactly that. So keep reading for some...

From Invisible to Spectacular- The Unstoppable Woman (That’s YOU!)


Alright ladies (and gents too, this could be an awesome holiday gift idea for your entrepreneurial lady love)… this post will be short and sweet. I’m a little late on this, been a bit unexpectedly tied up today, but… there’s a new book out there that is a game-changer for entrepreneurial-minded and entrepreneur-curious women. And since BGB is all about the entrepreneurial drive, how...

3 Lessons My Kids Can Teach YOU (and me!) About Business


This is a guest post from the lovely Kazia.  She’s a busy mom herself, and I’m a huge admirer of mom’s who are rockin’ it when it comes to entrepreneurship. Here’s her story on why she thinks her kids (and probably YOURS too…) are smarter than us all when it comes to biz. Be sure to make her feel welcome, and drop any thoughts or questions in the comments below...

Buses, Branding Genies, and Why Your Brand Story Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over


Dork Alert: Due to some quirky techie shite, (OK fine, my admin duty #failure) the recent guest post by Jess didn’t display her bio.  It’s now corrected, and you can find out even more about her at Most people think that once you get yourself established as a “household name” you can sit back, relax and wait for clients to come a-knocking at your door, asking for...

Why Embracing Your Quirkiness is the Ultimate Way to Build an Irresistible Brand


This is a guest post from fellow blogger (and BGB reader!) Jess- who likes to yammer on about being irresistible and such by embracing your inner “quirk”. Luckily “quirk” doesn’t translate into jerk and she’s really quite charming.  So I’m happy to have her throw her 2 cents in on BGB.  Please do your verily best to make her feel welcome, so we can strong...

Thinking Positive- Hey Crazy… Do You Need Your Head Examined?


What do your mother, New Age “gurus” and pop psychologists all have in common? Just one thing actually! (I hope.) They all encourage you to go ahead and go for broke on anything that’s near and dear to your heart… all those things that you desperately want to achieve. Think about it. Even back in the days when you were just a wee little tot, your mom has probably always been at you to try to be...

Are You Ready to Let The Girl Effect in You Shine Through? (Boys, I’m Talkin’ to You Too!)


This post is part of a campaign throughout the blogosphere to save and empower girls that deserve our attention- to learn more visit The Girl Effect Blogging Campaign and see how YOU can help make a difference. There is nothing more satisfying than making a huge positive impact on the lives of other people. Actually scratch that… I can think of something else even more satisfying, and that’s...

What to Do When Your Biz Morphs into a Big Fat #FAIL


I have a caveat for you: no matter how well-prepared you are for any eventuality in your business, no matter what you do to avoid all possible problems, you will never be able to ensure your success 100 percent. Contrary to the popular adage, all’s NOT fair in love and war. And make no mistake. Business is war, complete with state-of-the-art technology and sly tactics to outdo the competition. ...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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