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Branding 101- Marketing Yourself as a Freelancer


This is a guest post by Nitin, who has some excellent advice on marketing yourself effectively as a freelancer.  And as Carol Tice says, freelancing is the future people, so let’s get creative! When you move from the safe world of a corporate job to the big, bad (okay, it’s not so bad) world of freelancing, one thing you will need to do for yourself, apart from doing your own budgeting and making...

Beat the Blues- 7 Tips for Staying Connected When Working Solo


Entrepreneurship can get lonesome.  Especially if you’re a solo-preneur. This is a guest post from Joy of Pounding the Pavement, on 7 ways you can stay connected and kick those less than perky feelings to the curb. You know all the reasons why running your own business is great—being your own boss, having a flexible schedule, less commuting. One thing you might not have anticipated was how...

Brand Appeal- 5 Steps to Make Your Website Irresistible in 2011


This is a guest post by the lovely yet quirky Jess, aka Jessilicious with her take on the importance of an eye-pleasing, action-inducing website. She offers tips to help you spruce up your little slice of cyber real estate and put it to work for you, instead of allowing it to work against you.  Make her feel welcome by dropping your comments in the comment area below this post. Your website can...

The 2011 Intention Intervention- Time to Bring the Awesome


We’re just hitting our 2nd week into the New Year and I’m sure you’ve all been busy bees, jotting down your intentions to make this your year. Like the Best. Year. Ever. (RIGHT?!) Or don’t you believe in New Year’s resolutions anymore? That’s cool; I don’t really dig the term resolutions either.  Sounds too much like absolutions, which in my warped brain starts making me think I need to be...

BGB- InTreeHouses- And Huge Thanks!


Hey my lovelies! I did promise more videos, didn’t I?  Good, bad or ugly! Please excuse the rag-a-muffin look, it does seem to come naturally. 😉 So. Here is a very short video, dedicated to Thom of and to YOU, who should all totally subscribe to his publication. #JustSayin’.  Thom- this thank you’s for you, kid. 😉 (Damn I crack myself up sometimes…) Thom...

Rampage of Appreciation- My Two Cents on Gratitude


Gratitude is a funny thing. We talk a lot about giving thanks for the things or people or events we are grateful for, but when it comes down to it, gratitude is sort of ephemeral.  It comes, it goes, and sometimes we forget all about it. But when we pay attention, it’s like an angel with gossamer wings. It inspires, makes us feel good about ourselves and our lives, and allows us to...

2010 Reflections of Gratitude and 2011 Intentions


OK, so I realize it’s no longer 2010 and this post is a day late and a dollar short. In my defense, I’ve had a lot going on and kiddies underfoot, so finding some time to get things done that I want to get done has been uber difficult.  And does it make me a totally bad parent when I say I am SO glad my kiddies are off to school tomorrow?! LOL No really, I adore them but the two week...

New Years Kick-Off… An iPad, a Bloggie and BIG NEWS!


Hey my lovelies! Hope ya’ll had a killer Christmas holiday… I know I’m still a bit sluggish from all the yummy food! Anyhoo… I’ve Got News! But you have to watch my very first BGB video below in order to find out what it is.  I’m not so hot with the whole video thang, so cut me some slack if I flub here and there OK? 😉 After you watch the first one...

Life Lessons- 8 Things I Wish I Knew Then and What I Know for Sure Now


OK, so this post is inspired by two things actually. One- Farnoosh and Abubakar have so kindly invited me to participate in their Life Lesson’s series, in which 80+ bloggers have shared their own insights and wisdom when it comes to living. Now it’s my turn. Two- Jac’s recent blog post, on the 20 things as a female solo-preneur she knows for sure and you need to know too. Yet more wisdom and I’ll...

Spark & Hustle National Tour NO BARRIERS—JUST RESULTS


Hey BGB’ers… time for me to share some info on yet another cool event that might just be happening in your area sometime soon. Especially if you live in or near areas like L.A., New York, the ATL, and Chicago to name a few. And for my Orlando people, mark your calendars for May 19- 21! (No, really… mark your fracken calendars, I want to see you there if you can make it!) 😉 Where exactly is...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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