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5 Ways to Use Web Content Development to Attract an Audience to Your Blog


If you’re a blogger or a business owner that runs a blog in order to increase exposure to your biz, these are a handful of good tips from Cheryl on how you can do exactly that. Obviously these aren’t new techniques but they are tried and true and deserve a bit of pounding into your busy little brains. 😉 You can make her feel welcome by dropping your thoughts in the comments below...

10 Tips for Aspiring Professional Web Writers


You all know I’m a writer by trade.  So when it comes to taking the leap into self-employment, writing has been my bread and butter.  Specifically writing for the web. The bulk of my clients are people looking for digital content like articles, blog posts, ebooks, press releases, bios, web copy and more. Tavis is joining us with a guest post on some tips for those of you aspiring to write...

How to Become Self Employed (And When to Do It)


This is a guest post by Aimee Sway.  Self employment isn’t a cakewalk and anyone who tells you otherwise is probably only out to take your money. That said, I feel there are a ton of rewards that more than make up for all the not so easy stuff.  But it’s hard to make that initial decision of “should you or shouldn’t you” sometimes.  Hopefully Aimee’s thoughts...

In Honor of International Women’s Day- Who Are You? Have You Branded Yourself?


Howdy boys and girls. As March is the start of Women’s History Month and today specifically is celebrating the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day, I felt this guest post by female advocate Susan Bulkeley Butler only fitting and proper. Susan is the author of Women Count- A Guide to Changing the World.  I will be writing a more in-depth review of the book at a later date...

Blog Headline Action Guide and Toolkit- What Yo’ Mama Never Taught Ya!


Howdy BGB’ers! I know it’s a Saturday and many of you are likely off having a bang up time with your families. However due to some custody drama yesterday (don’t you hate that shite?!) this post didn’t go up when it was supposed to. Thus, I had to do it today as I simply couldn’t wait and wanted you to get all the goods about something cool I’ve recently been asked to review. Please know that I...

JV Alert Live and My Musings on Networking


Hey there peeps. Happy Monday! I actually was tied up most of the weekend attending an Internet Marketing seminar here in Orlando, at the invitation of Ken McArthur to be an expert panelist. (So honored by the way!) To tell you a bit about it, I decide to create a quick video (gasp!) and share my thoughts. (I know, you’re still reeling over the fact I’ve done another video...

How to Design a Printable Poster: 10 Tips


This is another guest post by dear James.  I thought it suitable as we discussed colors and branding earlier in the week. Now James will talk to you about designing a killer poster that can then be printed out and used shamelessly as a wicked promo tool for your biz.  And incidentally, colors happen play a huge role in their creation! 😉 If you’re a person who enjoys designing posters, you can...

Pimp Your Colors- Pimp Your Brand


First of all- Happy V Day BGB’ers! Pink and Red are the colors of the day, and tell me… what sort of images do they invoke to you?  Think about that as you read, and be sure to drop your comments in the comment section below. Do you feel all warm and love-y and well… Valentine-y? Sometimes when you’re busy preparing a new branding strategy and writing your brand story you get...

Lucrative Freelance Niches You Might Not Know About


This is a guest post from Mark Rodgers on a handful of freelance niches you just might not know about (or maybe you do!), that could be the source of your next rent check! Just sayin’. Freelancing can be a difficult career choice.  Sure, skilled individuals can make a modest living if they are willing to put in the work that it takes to seek clients. There are so many bloggers, designers...

Making Money with a Shoestring, a Thumbtack, and a Pea Brain


OK, so maybe not with a shoestring and a thumbtack. But with a brain definitely (minus the pea) as well as an Internet connection and a lap top. Or at least access to an Internet connection and a lap top.  C’mon, we’re not going all MacGyver here, sheesh. Anyhoo. I thought I’d write a post today tonight 2 days ago, exploring two very viable ways a motivated chap (or chappete)...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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Have a question? Need a quote? Feel free to reach out via my contact page, and I'll reply as soon as possible. You can also check out my new website at for information on content retainers and portfolio links.

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