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Don’t Piss Off Kevin Smith (and Other Solutions for Public Relations Nightmares)


Hey BGB’ers!  Thanks for your patience during this hard time in my life right now.   I’m slowly getting realigned after my dad’s death, but there has been a lot of stuff that went along with it outside of the emotional aspects I’ve had to deal with, so I’ve been pretty stupid busy. I expect to continue to be pretty busy right up until mid-September at the earliest...

Wayne Padgett- R.I.P. Daddy, See You on the Other Side…


Hey BGB’ers. Some of you may have heard by now, others may not have, so this is why I am writing this post.  Not too long ago my dad was diagnosed with throat cancer. On July 1st, he went in for a radical tonsillectomy surgery.  It should have been an outpatient procedure.  He ended up staying a couple extra days to make sure he was swallowing OK. They said everything looked great, despite...

Writing as a Career- Are You Feeling the Creative Seduction?


This is a guest post from Chris Hoole. I have to agree, going pro as a writer is pretty daft. It’s not easy, it’s not always fun, and sometimes you wonder if you’re in the right line of work. However as he mentions, for many writers it’s not always a matter of choice… it’s almost a compulsion! Kind of like diarrhea of the fingers or something. Words.  Must...

Successful Entrepreneurship- to Degree or Not to Degree…THAT is the Question!


This is a guest post by Jeremy Fordham. In today’s ever-changing landscape of business and entrepreneurship, many folks think that holding a college degree just isn’t all it was cracked up to be, as opposed to say 10 years ago. So the question stands- do you need a degree to be a success, or don’t you? For myself, I’m in the hell no, you don’t need anything of the...

On @Mirasee- Entrepreneur SOS…


This is a recent guest post on that Danny was so gracious to invite me to contribute to. Everyone has days they feel overwhelmed and unproductive. Here I discuss ways to get past it! And be sure to check out Danny’s point of view on BGB as well, great stuff. 😉

Business Lessons From Reality TV Shows – No, Really!


This is a guest post by the lovely Jill Shearer. Since I am a somewhat guilty fan of many reality TV shows (So You Think You Can Dance ROCKS dammit!) I thought this post was a perfect fit for BGB. (Hey, ain’t no shame in my game, how about you?) Reality TV, business lessons and entertainment, oh my! Read it and like it BGB’ers, and then tell me all about it in the comments below. 😉...

Eye of the Online Entrepreneurship Tornado


This is a guest post by Danny Iny. We all have our moments of feeling overwhelmed, snowed under, and buried in feelings of stress and dissatisfaction with our daily performance. It’s normal and probably even a right of passage for entrepreneurs. But there are ways to bust out of the rut and get back on track. Danny shares his ideas below, and be sure to check out my take on this issue at...

HOW TO: 5 Ways to Make Your Day More Productive- Entrepreneur Style!


This is a guest post from Aimee, on a subject near and dear to my heart since it’s something I struggle with all the time. Productivity and staying on task can be the bane of an entrepreneurs existence… when you work for yourself it can be HARD to stay disciplined enough to get your work done and keep your priorities straight. And I don’t know about you, but when I feel...

10 Woes of the Freelance Creative Pro


OK, so. When it comes to running your own small business, many people tend to think of “freelancing” as a dirty word. Personally, I really don’t see the difference.  Small business, freelance business, entrepreneurship… they all mean the same thing to me, and that is- YOU WORK FOR YOURSELF! Get it?  You and you alone are the Big Kahuna, you call the shots, you run the day...

8 Unique Ways to Promote Your Online Brand


This is a guest post from Cale on 8 different ways you can promote your online brand that are slightly left field from the traditional route. I especially like the idea of sponsoring a UFC fighter! How about you?  Let us know in the comments section below. 🙂 I’ve seen endless articles on how to write, promote and improve websites and frankly I am sick of it – it’s been done to death. I want...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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