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3 Lessons New Entrepreneurs Can Learn From the Military


This is a guest post from Steve Waller. I’m all about creativity and the variety of ways smart entrepreneurs can compare business to other things in life. In this case, the military! And since I have a ton of appreciation for our military, even when I disagree with the way our government abuses it’s power, I thought this post a uniquely interesting fit for BGB. Enjoy and if you find...

Top 10 Things You Shouldn’t Sacrifice In ‘Yo Biz When Living On a Budget


This is a guest post from Ally. You already know budgeting and saving is a smart idea both personally and from a business stand point. But Ally gives you some hope that it doesn’t have to be all deprive-y and angst-y. And she also points out a few things you absolutely should not sacrifice when it comes to budgeting well for your biz. Hope you find the read useful and please drop any...

How to Think Like an Entrepreneur (Because Entrepreneurs are Cool)


Yo! This is a guest post from James.  You all know that entrepreneurship isn’t for the faint of heart. It takes guts to work for yourself, make a living without the security of a boss and a safety net, and at the end of the day totally rock at it. It takes sweat and determination, hard work and commitment. (Kind of like marriage, eh?) It also takes a brain just a wee bit off from the rest...

27 Part-Time Businesses You Can Start For Peanuts


Every entrepreneur has dreams beating in their passionate little hearts of creating their first portrait of freedom by working for themselves. Shedding the shackles of their J.O.B. if you will. Maybe that’s you.  Often times however, those same entrepreneurs get stalled out, because they aren’t sure WHAT they want to do for a business that won’t bury them under a mountain of...

Success as a Freelance Copywriter – the Fine Art of Planning


Halloooo BGB’ers! 🙂 How’s it shakin’? This is another post by guest author Chris Hoole and his take on why planning is the shiznel for freelancers. Diaries, efficiency, breaking up, not down… well, you’ll just have to read it sweetcakes and see what he has to say for yourself. Now make him feel welcome ya’ll.  You know what to do! (I hope.) Some people fall...

Communication Education- Don’t Take that Tone with Me!


Howdy BGB’ers… I know, you missed me. 😉   Unfortunately I’m still pretty sickly at the moment, can’t seem to shake it.   So big thanks to guest blogger Chris Hoole today for picking up my slack with this thought-provoking post on language, voice, and how it can affect your business success.   Ya’ll know what to do by now right?  Make him feel warm and welcome and all...

Traditional Offline or Contemporary Online- How Should YOU Build Your Brand?


Howdy BGB’ers… long time, no talk-y.   Sorry about that, Dad died, been moving and packing/unpacking, plus dealing with sickliness on top of it all… you know how it is! You know I still love you though, and I will be back full force sometime in the near future… still just trying to get settled at the moment.   Thankfully I have awesome readers who feel compelled to...

On @Copyblogger- 3 Steps to Finding Your…


This is a guest post I wrote just before my dad died, that went live on Copyblogger not too long ago.  It’s gotten an excellent response thus far, and if you’re a writer struggling to be “you”, it might do you some good to read it. 😉  Thoughts, comments and feedback can be left on Copyblogger or shot to me via email.  XoXo BGB’ers!

Referrals- Why They’re Killing Your Biz and What You Can Do About It (Word.)


This is a guest post from Jared Kessler, Mr. Kick- Ass himself.  In this post he talks about how referrals can actually kill your biz (yes, KILL it, that wasn’t a typo) and what you can do to fix this crazy phenomenon.   You know the drill… make him feel warm and fuzzy in the comments below, and if you’ve got a question- ask it! Here’s how the conversation goes. “Oh hey.  I’d...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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