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Why Pitching a Client is Like a Job Interview and Why It Isn’t!


Howdy dahling BGB’er. Hope you had a fabulous New Year and 2012 has started with an appropriate bang.  This is a guest post contributed by Chris Farnell on why pitching a client is similar to a J.O.B. interview… and then again… why it isn’t! He makes several good points, with the very last point being my love-hate favorite. 😉 How about you? Got ideas on ways a pitching a...

3 Old School Copywriter Tricks for Finding New Ideas


This is a guest post courtesy of Derryck of (Love the spelling of his name, don’t you?) He approached me about writing a guest post for BGB, and when he offered this particular topic, I thought it a great fit and so immediately agreed. I’ve been struggling a bit myself in the creativity department, not really from lack of ideas, but lack of motivation. However...

The Beauty of Intangible Benefits- Why Potential Customers Don’t Care and How You Can Fix It


This is a guest post from Stephanie on intangible benefits, and how you can use them to inspire customer interest and loyalty with your brand. Granted it’s not always easy to pinpoint those intangibles (meh… maybe that’s why they are called intangible!) but once you do you can learn to highlight and use them to your business advantage. People are rarely interested in a play-by...

#BGB Tutorial- Keeping Performance Reviews (Relatively) Painless


It’s that time again… What time? Why… time for a new post, you whipper snapper!  This guest post is brought to you courtesy of Chris Farnell. Chris is generously donating his point of view regarding keeping those inevitable uncomfortable moments that come with being a small business owner mostly pain free and a heck of a lot more comfy. If you yourself run a small business and...

How to Google Yourself (And Like What You Find)


This is a guest post by a chap named Devin Anderson. And get your mind out of the gutter people! 😉 I know you went there!  This is actually quite an informative read on making yourself prominent in the Google SERPS for your name. Hopefully I don’t have to tell you how valuable that can be. I’d appreciate if you’d make him feel welcome in the comments below and drop any questions...

Urgent- Time to Take Stock of Your Personal Inventory Entrepreneurs!


This is a guest post by a dear man named David from The W.O.N.D.E.R. Technique ®. I thought it a suitable follow up to my Thanksgiving gratitude post, as typically the holidays can become a time of year where we as entrepreneurs (and humans) begin to assess where we’ve been and where we are going. Sometimes you might feel down on yourself if you haven’t accomplished everything you set...

Happy Early Turkey Day Dorks!


Howdy… if you’re reading this, I hope it’s because you’re on a little mini vacay for the holiday and you’ve got some free time to catch up on your reading pleasure. 😉 Turkey day is around the corner and I don’t know about you but I’m gearing up for some yummy food, yummy deserts (pumpkin cheesecake anyone?) and possibly a nap to kick all nap’s asses...

Good Hiring Practices Every Savvy Entrepreneur Should Know


When it comes to being an entrepreneur, it isn’t always easy.  And whether you’re a solopreneur that outsources certain aspects of your business,  or a small business with regular employees, good help can be hard to find! However it doesn’t have to be quite so difficult, if you put a few systems and practices into place first. When you know exactly what you need and what...

Young Entrepreneurs- Starting a Small Business in College


These days, entrepreneurship isn’t just for the mature and experienced adult genre. More and more youngsters (and I do say that with grain of salt, being in between mature and youngster m’self!) are dipping their toes into the self-employment realm, dreaming up the next big start-up that’s going to make all their dreams come true. And honestly, why the hell not? Success in the...

Plan to Fail or Fail to Plan- Words to Live By?


Thanks to Amy for this guest post. I’ve always identified with the saying that if you fail to plan you plan to fail. It’s resonated with me since I first dipped my toes in entrepreneurship. Unfortunately I’m abysmal at taking my own advice and didn’t make a plan when I started! But I quickly learned that without that plan, even if it’s just a loose one, you leave...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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