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Must-Have Apps for the Savvy Entrepreneur


This is a guest post by Julia on a few of the hottest mobile apps to keep your business chugging. Please make her feel welcome and let us know if there’s a mobile app you absolutely could not live without in the comments. Keep your start-up responsive, agile, and up-to-date Mobile apps and cloud computing have made it a great time to be an entrepreneur: you can access information and...

Online Copywriting Tips for Beginners – How to Craft Killer Copy Without Really Trying


This is a guest post courtesy of Clare with some great tips for writing your own web copy. While it’s fab (and highly recommended) to hire a pro writer for help with your web copy (and other marketing materials), sometimes it’s simply beyond the budget.  At least for now. (Right?! Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.)  When that’s the unfortunate scenario, don’t despair. You CAN be a...

Using Categories and Tags for Your Blog- Why You Should Care


 This is a guest post courtesy of Melissa. I’m glad she’s covering this topic because talking categories and tags bore me to tears! LOL However they are a necessary evil when you run a blog, and Melissa does a great job of explaining why.  Methinks I may redo my own categories in the near future to make finding things more streamlined! Please make her feel welcome by sharing your...

5 Important Life-Facts To Remember When a Leader Falls


This is a guest post courtesy of Lior again. Excellent advice to ensue! Happy reading BGB’ers, do make him feel welcome by sharing your thoughts in the comments below. The failure of a leader does not necessarily mean the failure of your organization. Nevertheless, aside from bankruptcy, the fall of a key leader may be one of the most threatening events in the life of a company. How your...

How I Partially Financed My Trip Around The World With Freelance Writing


This guest post is brought to you courtesy of Shane Lee. Since (ahem) yours truly is a freelance writer as well (somewhat by accident too) I thought Shane’s story both a fun and inspirational one to share with you. I’d love to hear how you’ve gotten creative financing your entrepreneurial passion. Feel free to share your story in the comments below. I became a freelance writer...

Why Marketers Should Get to Know Their Customer’s Digital Selves


 This is a guest post courtesy of Lior (thanks for an AWESOME contribution) and why your current market research may not be entirely accurate. Due to the increasing rise of social media channels, your right people may want something slight different than what you are positioned to offer them and you wouldn’t know it unless you knew they may have somewhat dueling personalities. As in their...

10 Insane Business Ideas That Worked


Happy Tuesday BGB’ers!  OK so this is a guest post courtesy of Jon with a look at a handful of somewhat wacky biz ideas that actually worked! I thought this was a fun piece to share with you partway into the work week, especially for those of you still stuck in the dreaded J.O.B. Maybe it will give you a little inspiration to pursue that entrepreneurial idea you’ve got percolating...

6 Surefire List Building Strategies


This is a guest post courtesy of Yeremi. You probably already know list building is important as an entrepreneur. But everyone has different strategies when it comes to growing that list. Some work… Some… not so much. Needless to say it can be difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff so to speak. That’s why Yeremi has put together this whopper of a guest post, just for you...

Writing For and Managing Social Media Profiles for ‘Yo Biznez


This is a guest post with some tips and pointers on managing and writing for your social business profiles. Everyone has differing opinions on the best way to use social media platforms of course. However I think this post gives some solid advice you’d be wise to consider implementing, if you don’t already. Now for the uber cool part. This post comes courtesy of Liberty- Belle Howard...

Four Ways That Oxfam Uses Twitter To Make A Difference


This is a guest post courtesy of Miz Jenna where she very astutely breaks down how the Oxfam charity organization uses Twitter in an extremely effective way. The result is brand recognition, organization growth, and ultimately making a difference in this world.  Take a page or two from their book and apply it to your own business strategy and you might just be surprised with the results! As...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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