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Simple Social Media Marketing for Your Small Business


This is a guest post courtesy of Ken on social media marketing for your business. Social media is one of the primary ways I market my own small biz and it’s how I got started originally.  My first handful of clients came from forums, and then the rest trickled in from Twitter. Eventually I set up my blog and then Twitter and Facebook became my way to cross promote my blog and my services. ...

Productive-Shomuctive- I’ve Got An App for That!


Entrepreneurs all over the world suffer from a universal struggle. Productivity! When you’re in business for yourself, you often have so much going on it can be difficult to keep track of it all. As a result you get waylaid by the procrastination bug, or you drown beneath a mountain of “stuff” that you just can’t seem to get or keep organized. Apps to the rescue pal! I swear I’d be lost without...

5 Fantastic #Branding Tips for Freelance #Writers


This is a guest post courtesy of Joane.  As you know, branding is important for an entrepreneur, and that includes us freelance writers. These are good ideas to keep in mind before throwing up your shingle. As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. Are you a writer yourself? Any tips to share on branding yourself as a go-to professional? As a freelance writer, you...

8 of the Most Unique U.S. Startups to Watch


This is a guest post courtesy of Jeff. It’s always fun to examine some of the different start ups out there and see whose doing cool things. That said, here are 8 of some pretty unique businesses to give you a little inspiration for your own venture.  As always, feel free to drop your thoughts in the comments below. Entrepreneurship is the new rock n roll, and startup founders the stars...

6 SEO Myths that Stop You from Ranking in Google (Hint: There’s No Magic Involved)


Howdy boys and girls. This is a guest post courtesy of Traian. You all know SEO is an important cog in the wheel of blogging successfully. However it’s possible you get a little too caught up in the morass to really be effective at it. I know I’ve been guilty!  Keep reading and allow Traian to lead you a better (read: less headache-y) path to SEO. Do you allow myths to take over your...

#Infographic: Top 10 Most Profitable Media Companies


This is an infographic provided by Best Communication Degrees. Thought I’d share as a little light and interesting reading to your work week. Any comments please feel free to drop them below. Enjoy! Media can be a profitable area for a business. It seems like everywhere you turn people are getting their information, entertainment and opinions from one of several media sources. Much of this...

Smart Business- Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore Tablet Users


This is a guest post courtesy of Patricia. In this post she discusses tablet users. Specifically, who they are, why they matter, and how to reach them!  As an active iPad user myself, I can relate to the frustration users sometimes feel when attempting to visit sites not optimized for mobile type devices and easy browsing.  If that sounds like your website, here’s why you should work on...

Extending Your Brand- The When, Why and How of Things


This is a guest post courtesy of the lovely Lucy.  Could brand extension be for you? Keep reading and let’s find out. Please make her feel welcome in the comments below with any questions or insights of your own. Peace. Are your sales stagnant? Ready for something new for your brand? A brand extension could be just what your company needs to boost your bottom line. Here are the ins-and-outs...

Protect Your Reputation from Predators Online- Keep Your Brand Squeaky Clean


OK really. All it takes is one disgruntled former employee, a single dissatisfied customer or a malicious competitor to mar and even ruin your company’s reputation online. (Really… why are we plagued with malicious competitors anyway? Haven’t they heard there is plenty of room for everyone?) A reputation challenge can be disastrous for your business and brand, and the damage can sometimes...

5 Low Cost Start-Ups That Can Pay Off Big


This is a guest post courtesy of MyBlogGuest. As ya’ll know, I’m a big fan of “not breaking the bank” when you’re trying to get your business off the ground. (It’s why I love freelance writing… virtually no start-up costs!) Powers of deduction means your necessary business budget really boils down to what sort of business you plan on starting in the first...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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