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Grads of the Best MBA Programs to Living Room Entrepreneurs, Start-ups Are in Trouble


Today’s guest post is courtesy of Julianna Davies. She tackles a common #BGB topic in today’s post when she discusses the struggles entrepreneurs face when first getting started. She takes the conversation further by pointing out flaws in the current U.S. tax system, and offers a number of possible fixes for the years ahead. Please do me a solid and make her feel welcome. Amidst a...

Entrepreneur Gold- Why Your Small Biz Needs Local SEO


This is a guest post courtesy of Shawna on why you should pay attention to local SEO and it’s potential benefits to your business. While paying attention to SEO strategies in general is always a good idea, focusing your efforts on local SEO can yield faster results with less effort. Who doesn’t like less effort? Please make Shawna feel welcome in the comments below and shout if you...

#BGB Tutorial- How to Write a Great Author Bio


This is a guest post courtesy of Georgina. Writing a great bio is a key skill to master, especially if you are using your bio to convert readers into something more, such as a subscriber or a client. However there are a crap ton of really good writers out there, that still seem to fall short in the bio department.  Maybe it’s because they are writing about themselves, or maybe they are over...

The Nuts and Bolts of Working from Home


Working from home is a dream quite a few folks share. Regardless of whether you’re telecommuting for an employer (more and more people are today) or rocking your own business or freelance service, there simply has to be a dedicated space allocated just for work. (OK at least mostly just for work.) Even though working from home can mean the elimination of the dreaded commute and the horrific...

Take the Leap and Go Entrepreneur


This is a guest post courtesy of Bianca where she talks tips about going all entrepreneur.  She also talks about the exhilaration and fear of taking that plunge to personal freedom.  I thought it appropriate food for thought for a beautiful Saturday afternoon. 🙂 Please make her feel welcome in the comments below.  I’ve jumped out of a plane- twice; and spent all my money traveling throughout...

How Brandify Can Help You Manage Your Online Reputation


This is a guest post courtesy of Amanda reviewing a tool called Brandify. Methinks your online marketing may just get a tad bit easier after reading this. 😉 In order to spread the good word that their products and services were superior to others—especially others offering the same product or service—word of mouth has long been a necessary tool for small and mid-sized businesses For instance, we...

Does Online Interaction Increase Brand Awareness?


Speaking as a woman who knows, it’s pretty common to have a million things on your plate. Women tend to take the weight of the world on their shoulders. I know I do! Add to that trying to build a new business up and your days can seem pretty daunting. Where do you start? How do you find clients? How do you increase sales? How do you create a great brand? And how do you do all of the above on a...

Starting a New Biz? Take a Moment to Think It Through


Starting (or investing) in a new business is not something that is for the faint of heart. Start-ups require tigers; people that are willing to go above and beyond to reach success. Whether you’re setting up shop as a freelancer, opening up your dream store in your local area, or investing your hard earned money into something already up and running, it’s pretty much a leap of faith. There are so...

Watch It! That “Free” Image Could Cost You


This is a guest post courtesy of Melissa regarding copyright infringement and your blog images. Definitely was an eye-opening read for me, how about you? Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I’d love to hear them. As a blogger, I often quickly grab an image from Google images to use in a post without thinking much of it. As long as you credit your source and the...

Gender-Based Voice for Content Development: Speaking to Your Audience


This is a short and sweet guest post courtesy of Lisa Hann. It’s not something we’ve discussed here on BGB before, so I thought you might find it an interesting read.  Speaking the right message to the right people is vital to successful branding and effective marketing. Here at BGB I try to speak to a mix of folks because I know there is a mix of folks that read this blog. However I...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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