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#BGB Tutorial- Writing Content that Converts


This guest post is brought to you by Steven.  Since we’ve been talking writing and content the past week or two, I thought we’d continue the trend. Steven shares with you some of his tips for writing shiznet that converts. Converts to what you ask? Chocolate! Vodka! Wine! (OK, OK… just kidding.) Converts as in achieves the goal you set for it. Duh.  Ideally those goals...

#Infographic: Work Smarter, Not Harder


This post is for you entrepreneurs that are still working a J.O.B. and haven’t fully made the leap into Crazytown. That means you’re probably working your side gig around your job, and learning to juggle as a side benefit. Now how often have you sat down, determined to have a productive day? Then you look up and find that it’s almost five o’clock and you’ve...

#BGB Tutorial- 6 Ways to Turn a Drab Story into a Fab Story


This is a guest post courtesy of Danny Levin. As a freelance writer myself with a voracious love of a good story, I thought it would be a great compliment to last weeks blog post.  As always feel free to drop any comments in the box below this post and if you celebrate it… Happy Early Turkey Day! 🙂 Whether you write books, marketing copy, or website content, telling a compelling story...

#BGB Tutorial- 14 Tips for Effective Website Content Writing


This is a guest post courtesy of Ken with some very good tips for writing effective web content.  Please make him feel welcome by offering some of your own tips in the comments below.  The content of your website is more than sharing information with your visitors. The structure could impact how search engines react to the site and also affect your page ranking. However, there are...

What Swallowing a 2 Inch Needle Can Teach You About Making Your Business Stand Out


This is a guest post courtesy of Logan. I think you’ll find it an entertaining, interesting, and downright useful read. If you do, please help share this post and make him feel welcome in the comments below. Take it away Logan! Back in high school I wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. I did some pretty stupid things. Things that Johnny Knoxville would be proud of. But when I think back on...

On @RedheadWriting on Being Unpopular- and Why You Shouldn’t Fear It!


OK so this post will be relatively short and sweet, as I’ve got a video to share with you today. (Now, now, settle down… it’s not MY video. I know, you’re so disappointed.) Actually, the video is of my gal Erika Napoletano. She recently spoke at a TedxBoulder Event and in my (hey, only sometimes!) un-humble opinion, she knocked it outta the park. In the video she talks about her own personal...

Take Those Necessary Business Meetings Virtual


I don’t know about you, but I’m one entrepreneur that does NOT enjoy face time with people. Meetings tend to make me crazy, and are usually more trouble than they’re worth. Not to mention they eat up valuable time I could be putting towards more productive and fulfilling endeavors, such as writing or spending time with my kiddos. No doubt you waste your own valuable time trying to coordinate the...

Quick Tips for Effectively Marketing Your Start-up


Marketing. UGH. It’s one of those words that has the fascinating effect of causing one’s lip to curl… usually in a combo of fear, dread, and mild distaste. Unfortunately it’s a necessary evil (and doesn’t have to be skeevy either), so let’s talk about how you can do it a wee bit more effectively than you might be doing it right now. Then maybe I’ll go take my own advice. Heh! While the...

#BGB Tutorial: Writing an Operative SEO Case Study that Closes the Sale


This is a guest post courtesy of Tim Wilson. As I have yet to really dip my toe into writing case studies myself, this was a good learning piece for me. I hope it’s an eye-opener for you as well. And while the focus is on writing an SEO case study, it’s important to note that these concepts are not limited to that and can be applied to case studies for any niche. Since we’re residing...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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