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5 Tips for Creating Compelling and Inspired Online Content


This is a guest post courtesy of Alessandra (love her name!). It’s a fave sorta topic around BGB land since I am a freelance writer whose biz revolves around online content (just a smidge). Since writing is essentially BGB’s bread and buttah, feeling a bit stuck some days is pretty common. We can’t all be creative geniuses 24/7 right? Hehe  Fortunately Alessandra is to the...

#BGB Tutorial- How to Tackle Social Media Complaints


This is a guest post courtesy of Kirsten with tips on tackling social media complaints that can affect your business and brand in a negative way. I’m sure you all remember the Kevin Smith debacle. Wouldn’t want a repeat, now would we?  Social media is today’s buzzword in the business world, and companies everywhere are eagerly jumping aboard this newest trend in online marketing. In...

Making Your Passion Profitable: Tips for Building Your Small Business


Project Runway’s 10th season recently concluded after designer Dmitri Sholokhov was named the winner. Sholokhov was rewarded with a $100,000 cash prize, a technology suite valued at $50,000 and a new luxury car. He will also have his work featured in Marie Claire magazine and has the opportunity to sell an exclusive collection at the prestigious retailer Lord & Taylor. For most aspiring...

Why 2013 Might Be the Year of PPC (Newbie Edition)


Toodles BGB’ers! Today’s guest post is brought to you courtesy of Jeremy Page, where he gives you the low-down on ways to use Facebook PPC effectively. I’ll be the first to admit I don’t know jack about PPC marketing and tend to stay away from it for that very reason. I’ve dabbled, but admittedly not very successfully! Heh. However that doesn’t mean it’s...

Don’t Make Costly Assumptions – Ask Your Customers!


This is a guest post courtesy of Marketing MEANS on why it’s of paramount importance to ASK QUESTIONS of your clients and customers. Don’t assume you have all the answers, because you know what happens when you assume, right? (You make an a… OK you got it.) Call them up if you need to! Email them! Post a blog post or a survey! Just do it! M’kay? (Totally done with the...

Happy New Year My Lovelies!


I am currently in the throes of final preparations for our wedding, BGB style. Coming soon to a venue near you. hehe (OK maybe not exactly near you, but it sounded good.) Just wanted to take a moment out of the day to wish all of you a challenging (the good kind of challenging), wonderfully fabulous, productive, lucrative, and blessed 2013 in every way. While today is typically considered a day...

More Money, Less Stress? It’s Good to Be the Boss!


Here’s a little flash of insight for you harried entrepreneurs. Many of you may be trying to oversee your business while secretly contemplating lopping off the heads of your poor workers. (Don’t fib!) Maybe your in the throes of a stressful situation with a client or feeling the weight of financial burdens nipping at your heels. Meanwhile you’re looking at your awesome workers...

3 Strategies to Build Credibility with Men as Female Entrepreneurs


This is a guest post courtesy of Patrick. In short… go hard or go home. Don’t waste your time and energy succumbing to fear and a lack of confidence. More and more fearless females are entering the exciting, stimulating and challenging world of entrepreneurship. Owning your own business is tough! But the rewards are hard to beat which is why men and women alike continue to make their...

#BGB Tutorial- 20 Handy Print Marketing Tips for Better Branding


Today’s guest post is brought to you courtesy of Company Folders. Some great tips here. If you find one or three useful, please consider sharing this post with others. 😉 With the convenience of digital marketing, many companies have forgotten how effective print marketing can be in attracting new customers and keeping existing ones. However, in order to be effective, you have to have...

What Kind of Leader Are You? 3 Archetypes of Business Bosses


It’s no joke that vibrant leaders can drive businesses to new heights. But the common ideal of an all-encompassing business head is a misnomer. In reality, leaders take on different roles to perform different services. One of many hats and all that jazz. A business owner charged with setting and establishing a company vision won’t be able to attend to the needs of his or her employees...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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