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Novel Idea- Pick Up The Phone And Call Your Twitter Followers


This is a guest post courtesy of my buddy and biz associate, who is one of the most sincere and genuine folks I’ve had the pleasure of making friends with via social media.  Of course he’s the polar opposite of moi, because he actually LIKES talking to folks on the phone and meeting people on the realz. hehe Not to say I hate meeting new people, I am just the type who tends to get a...

To Do… or Not To Do… Getting Social with a Marketing Agency


Social media is here to stay folks. The platforms may change, processes may change, but it’s definitely not going anywhere. Unless of course we experience a sudden worldwide blackout, REVOLUTION style. (Tell me you get the reference!) But I digress. Some people, unfortunately for them, still tend to look at social media as a waste of time, or as merely a toy for young people. Some...

Love + Combat Boots + a Little Dork Fun = the #BGB Wedding


Hey BGB’ers… Happy Monday! 🙂 Just wanted to do a bit of a more personal post today and share some of my life with you. I haven’t posted much on the personal end since my Dad died. But I did announce in 2010 that my guy and I finally got engaged. And despite all the roadblocks the last two years have thrown our way, the big day finally was set and came on January 30th of this...

3 Downfalls of Being Self-Employed You Can Easily Overcome


This is a guest post courtesy of Kimberly. Working for yourself isn’t always rainbows, butterflies, and cherry licorice. It has a downside just like anything in life. Please make Kimberly feel welcome and feel free to drop your thoughts in the comments below this post. So you got the nerve to step out on your own. Exciting, isn’t it? Living the life of an entrepreneur is exhilarating. You...

A Complete Marketing Campaign- Printed Tools & Online Strategies


This is a guest post courtesy of Gareth on the value of marketing both within the online realm as well as the more traditional print media realm. Obviously both have their own unique set of pros and cons, but old school doesn’t necessarily mean old fashioned or ineffective. Please make him feel welcome and drop any thoughts in the comment section below. It’s become fashionable to dismiss...

Sharing and Caring: Customer Love Pays Dividends


Happy Saturday BGB’ers! Here’s a little reading snack to brighten up your weekend consumption. It’s often said that social media is an outlet for natural conversations. If that’s the case, folks complaining about customer service was just bound to happen. Call it fate. Call it destiny. Call it a regular propensity to be a douche. You can even (sometimes) call it a truly...

7 Tips to Make an Effective Ending for a Blog Post- Legendary Even!


This guest post is courtesy of David Tucker. Blogging is fast becoming a marketing cornerstone of effective and relevant brands wanting to make an impact online and differentiate themselves from the rest of the “gen biz pop”. However every great story (or blog post, as it were) deserves a great ending, and sometimes even professional writers have, on occasion, fallen flat in that...

#BGB Tutorial- How to Rebuild Your Brand For The Modern Age


This is a guest post courtesy of Mr. John Miller.  It’s time to get with the modern era, if you haven’t already. The business landscape is evolving and changing quickly, and brands that don’t even make the effort to keep up are going to bite the dust. Harsh? Maybe. Doesn’t make it any less true. Please share your thoughts and point of view in the comments below dorks. xo...

#BGB Tutorial- How to Develop Brand Ambassadors


This is a guest post courtesy of Lior, back again to share his extensive knowledge with BGB. He currently advises to a company that created a Passbook application for following credit card charges and also works with Jive; developers of one of the best collaboration software solutions online for businesses. Keepin’ pretty busy wouldn’t you say? Please make him feel welcome in the...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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