Mindset and Inspiration

Mindset and Inspiration

Dear Twitterheads- Ya’ll Are Awesome!

Coffee and Convo… Let’s Chat!

I created this post because, let’s face it… you really can’t get to know someone in a 140 characters or less. And that’s kind of crappy because the point of Twitter is to connect, get to know people, and build relationships! So to that end, I thought I’d post a little about me so that you can dig around and see a bit of what makes me tic.

Mindset and Inspiration

When You Need Some Inspiration

Sometimes life is hard. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or work a J.O.B. life gets crazy. It’s hard and days are long and people can just suck. Business might be slow, money might be tight, friends might be distant. The thing to remember is that this is true for EVERYONE.

Not just you alone. You aren’t alone and your life isn’t the only hard life on the planet. You’re not the only one who has a bad day. And life WILL get better, it always does even if only for moments. But in case your having trouble remembering, I think this video is a great up-lifter. I welcome thoughts and comments below.

Mindset and Inspiration

What are Your Promises to Yourself in 2010?

It’s almost time for Santa! And the New Year is quickly approaching. So I’m curious as to your plans on making 2010 your best year ever. Have you thought about it?

Typically, the New Year is a time for resolutions and promises to yourself to make more money, lose more weight, or spend more time on yourself, etc. Resolutions are great! Unfortunately they usually don’t last very long.

So my homework for you this New Year is to not make wild resolutions you likely will not keep. My homework is for you to sit down during a few quiet moments and really think about your goals for 2010. Get specific, and keep them doable, but just lofty enough to inspire you.

Mindset and Inspiration

Not So Secret Fundamentals to a Positive Mindset

Yesterday I talked about a positive mindset and how a lack of sleep can really put a damper on it. And I feel that a positive mind is really important to running a successful business as well as achieving personal goals, so I wanted to talk about a few key fundamentals to keeping your brain happy and focused.

First of all, figure out what the heck it really is that YOU want from your life. Not just business related, but your LIFE, in all its glory. And I’m not talking about what your great aunt Mimi wants for you, or your loving but disapproving dad wants from you; or anyone else for that matter. Nor am I talking about those things you think you SHOULD want in order to be a happy and well functioning person. Screw that, I’m talking about what YOU want in your secret little heart of hearts. Sit down with yourself, have a lunch date with your notebook, and FIGURE IT OUT.

Mindset and Inspiration

The Sandman’s Secret Hostage Hold Over YOUR Positive Mindset

More and more everyday my belief in the power of a strong and positive mindset grows. There is nothing you can’t achieve if you focus your thoughts and intentions on it, and believe that you will get it, regardless of how hard it is or how long it takes.

For some people though, it can be tough. Heck it’s tough for me at times too. And I notice that I am especially susceptible to a poor and negative mindset, as well as procrastination and a lack of motivation when… I don’t get enough SLEEP. Go figure!

Seriously though, I have been monitoring this for awhile now and it’s completely true. Your body needs rest, and it needs the right AMOUNT of rest. Just a couple days ago, there were two nights I went to bed fairly late, but no more than usual.

I then had to awaken an hour earlier than usual the next morning. Come alarm time, I could barely keep my eyes open. And guess what? That lethargy continued throughout the day and eventually merged with a pounding headache to make the picture complete. Woot!

And I’m sure it goes without saying that my irritability levels were high, (OK, super high… let’s face it, I’m a bi*** when I don’t get my sleep!) and my patience level was practically nil. NOT conducive to a good day or a positive mindset, let me tell ya!

Mindset and Inspiration

You Don’t Build A Business On Hope And Faith

OK, so just to be clear, I’m a huge believer in faith, the power of positive thinking, and that yes, miracles do happen. So I’m not knocking any of those things, or the power that hope can have in a person’s life and their perceptions of the world. That doesn’t mean I’m going to leave my livelihood up to those things. C’mon, a girl’s gotta eat! And shop, and hang with friends, and go see cool movies and… oh sorry… I get a little carried away at times. 🙂

So, hope is great, but it’s definitely not a business strategy. If you are going into business for yourself, you at the very least need a loose ‘business plan’ with a few key goals outlined in order to see any kind of success. After all, if you don’t have a direction or a purpose, what’s the point? You’re essentially just spinning your wheels, slinging mud, and not going anywhere.

Mindset and Inspiration

The Power of a Single Year…

Roughly a year ago today, I was cleaning vacation homes for a living, and was lucky if I made $200 bucks in a week. I was miserable, stressed, and utterly loathed my job. Seriously, I don’t know a single person who can honestly say they LIKE cleaning up after other people. Glamorous it is NOT!

I was tired all the time, depressed because I never had time for me, and certain there just HAD to be a better way of living than how I was currently. I had two boys I barely had time for, and when I did I was too tired to really enjoy them. I was buried in debt, buried in disenchantment, and trying my hardest figure out why happiness seemed to be eluding me.