CategoryBiz and Marketing

Pinterest: An Entrepreneur’s Dream?


Howdy doody all.  OK so I am definitely not yet on the Pinterest bandwagon as yet (still waiting on that invite Pinterest! Hint. Hint.) however all I see and read about lately is Pinterest this, Pinterest that.  So when Tom approached me regarding a guest post on the very topic, I said sure, I’d be happy to run it because I might learn a thing or two along with you guys! Entrepreneurs live...

A Step-by-Step Guide to Finance Your Business Entrepreneur Style


This is a guest post courtesy of Miz Sara Mackey on exactly how you can come up with that pesky little thing called money to fund your start-up idea. Yes it involves those damn business plans. Yes it involves potentially begging your family and friends for a wad of cash. Just remember to give them Sara’s disclaimer and make them aware they may not get their investment back!  And as a final...

#DemandMore- 5 Simple Deductions Entrepreneurs Need to Take Advantage Of


Hey there BGB’ers. It’s that time of year again! You know… TAX TIME. Woo! Gotta love paying out your hard-earned cash to the IRS right? And it becomes a wee bit more complicated when you are running your own small business and not just working one of those dreaded J.O.B.s. But hey, that doesn’t mean there aren’t some perks to being self-employed, including the ability to write off qualified...

3 Tech Start-Ups Poised to Make a Splash in 2012


Howdy ladies and gents. I know I’ve been a bit of a slacker when it comes to giving ya’ll good shite to read with your coffee on a regular sort of schedge (that’s writer slang for schedule, FYI) but in my defense, I’ve been dealing with quite a lot of personal stuff that I won’t bore you with. The short of it is, it seems since my Dad died the hits keep coming. But I...

Lessons From Ike: Tips for the Battle-Ready Entrepreneur


Woo! BGB is back online! If you dropped by at all in the last week or so, you may have noticed the unfortunate maintenance signs hanging around the joint. Me with my DIY’er mentality tried to fix a teeny design issue and ended up creating a much BIGGER design issue. In short, I broke it. Yes I’m a dork and that’s what I get for trying to tell myself I got skills. Heh. Anyhoo...

Why Pitching a Client is Like a Job Interview and Why It Isn’t!


Howdy dahling BGB’er. Hope you had a fabulous New Year and 2012 has started with an appropriate bang.  This is a guest post contributed by Chris Farnell on why pitching a client is similar to a J.O.B. interview… and then again… why it isn’t! He makes several good points, with the very last point being my love-hate favorite. 😉 How about you? Got ideas on ways a pitching a...

Good Hiring Practices Every Savvy Entrepreneur Should Know


When it comes to being an entrepreneur, it isn’t always easy.  And whether you’re a solopreneur that outsources certain aspects of your business,  or a small business with regular employees, good help can be hard to find! However it doesn’t have to be quite so difficult, if you put a few systems and practices into place first. When you know exactly what you need and what...

Young Entrepreneurs- Starting a Small Business in College


These days, entrepreneurship isn’t just for the mature and experienced adult genre. More and more youngsters (and I do say that with grain of salt, being in between mature and youngster m’self!) are dipping their toes into the self-employment realm, dreaming up the next big start-up that’s going to make all their dreams come true. And honestly, why the hell not? Success in the...

Plan to Fail or Fail to Plan- Words to Live By?


Thanks to Amy for this guest post. I’ve always identified with the saying that if you fail to plan you plan to fail. It’s resonated with me since I first dipped my toes in entrepreneurship. Unfortunately I’m abysmal at taking my own advice and didn’t make a plan when I started! But I quickly learned that without that plan, even if it’s just a loose one, you leave...

3 Lessons New Entrepreneurs Can Learn From the Military


This is a guest post from Steve Waller. I’m all about creativity and the variety of ways smart entrepreneurs can compare business to other things in life. In this case, the military! And since I have a ton of appreciation for our military, even when I disagree with the way our government abuses it’s power, I thought this post a uniquely interesting fit for BGB. Enjoy and if you find...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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