CategoryBiz and Marketing

Why 2013 Might Be the Year of PPC (Newbie Edition)


Toodles BGB’ers! Today’s guest post is brought to you courtesy of Jeremy Page, where he gives you the low-down on ways to use Facebook PPC effectively. I’ll be the first to admit I don’t know jack about PPC marketing and tend to stay away from it for that very reason. I’ve dabbled, but admittedly not very successfully! Heh. However that doesn’t mean it’s...

Don’t Make Costly Assumptions – Ask Your Customers!


This is a guest post courtesy of Marketing MEANS on why it’s of paramount importance to ASK QUESTIONS of your clients and customers. Don’t assume you have all the answers, because you know what happens when you assume, right? (You make an a… OK you got it.) Call them up if you need to! Email them! Post a blog post or a survey! Just do it! M’kay? (Totally done with the...

More Money, Less Stress? It’s Good to Be the Boss!


Here’s a little flash of insight for you harried entrepreneurs. Many of you may be trying to oversee your business while secretly contemplating lopping off the heads of your poor workers. (Don’t fib!) Maybe your in the throes of a stressful situation with a client or feeling the weight of financial burdens nipping at your heels. Meanwhile you’re looking at your awesome workers...

What Kind of Leader Are You? 3 Archetypes of Business Bosses


It’s no joke that vibrant leaders can drive businesses to new heights. But the common ideal of an all-encompassing business head is a misnomer. In reality, leaders take on different roles to perform different services. One of many hats and all that jazz. A business owner charged with setting and establishing a company vision won’t be able to attend to the needs of his or her employees...

Quick Tips for Effectively Marketing Your Start-up


Marketing. UGH. It’s one of those words that has the fascinating effect of causing one’s lip to curl… usually in a combo of fear, dread, and mild distaste. Unfortunately it’s a necessary evil (and doesn’t have to be skeevy either), so let’s talk about how you can do it a wee bit more effectively than you might be doing it right now. Then maybe I’ll go take my own advice. Heh! While the...

Grads of the Best MBA Programs to Living Room Entrepreneurs, Start-ups Are in Trouble


Today’s guest post is courtesy of Julianna Davies. She tackles a common #BGB topic in today’s post when she discusses the struggles entrepreneurs face when first getting started. She takes the conversation further by pointing out flaws in the current U.S. tax system, and offers a number of possible fixes for the years ahead. Please do me a solid and make her feel welcome. Amidst a...

Starting a New Biz? Take a Moment to Think It Through


Starting (or investing) in a new business is not something that is for the faint of heart. Start-ups require tigers; people that are willing to go above and beyond to reach success. Whether you’re setting up shop as a freelancer, opening up your dream store in your local area, or investing your hard earned money into something already up and running, it’s pretty much a leap of faith. There are so...

Simple Social Media Marketing for Your Small Business


This is a guest post courtesy of Ken on social media marketing for your business. Social media is one of the primary ways I market my own small biz and it’s how I got started originally.  My first handful of clients came from forums, and then the rest trickled in from Twitter. Eventually I set up my blog and then Twitter and Facebook became my way to cross promote my blog and my services. ...

8 of the Most Unique U.S. Startups to Watch


This is a guest post courtesy of Jeff. It’s always fun to examine some of the different start ups out there and see whose doing cool things. That said, here are 8 of some pretty unique businesses to give you a little inspiration for your own venture.  As always, feel free to drop your thoughts in the comments below. Entrepreneurship is the new rock n roll, and startup founders the stars...

#Infographic: Top 10 Most Profitable Media Companies


This is an infographic provided by Best Communication Degrees. Thought I’d share as a little light and interesting reading to your work week. Any comments please feel free to drop them below. Enjoy! Media can be a profitable area for a business. It seems like everywhere you turn people are getting their information, entertainment and opinions from one of several media sources. Much of this...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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Omg omg omg omg omg omg!!!!!! You are freakin awesome!!!!!! Ok..let me try and compose myself…You rock Girl!!!! You hit it smack on the nail!

Takisha Smith,

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