CategoryBiz and Marketing

Clever Little (Cost Effective) Ways to Get Your Business Name Out Locally


This is a guest post courtesy of Alice Jenkins. You can never have too many ideas for marketing your business. At least not in my book. hehe While one thing may work for some, something else may work for another, and the below ideas are a mix of tried and true as well some more less typical ideas than just the t-shirt and expo show schtick.  Advertising and marketing is a gamble no matter how you...

Common E-Commerce Mistakes = Lost Sales


This is a guest post courtesy of Kirsten, and how your ecommerce site could very well be leaking money like perforated balloon leaks air. If you don’t have an ecommerce site, but do still sell stuff online, then pay attention as well, because these tips could easily be transferred to you too. Ready? Set? Go! (As in read. Duh. hehe) There is a tremendous amount of competition in the world of...

Handy Insurance Tips Small Biz Owners Need to Know


This is a guest post courtesy of Claire Atkinson. Dealing with insurance, (like dealing with pesky taxes or a credit card comparison for much needed start up funds) rarely invokes visions of unicorns and rainbows. Unfortunately it is still a necessary expense, and not just when it comes to your health care.  Claire has graciously provided advice on the myriad options your business may or may not...

What (Safe) Guerrilla Marketing Can Do For Your Biz


Actually, I believe it’s “Guerrilla” derived from the Spanish term guerrilla warfare, but hey… tomato, tomatoh. The picture was nifty.  Anyhoo, this is a guest post courtesy of Julie with some rather umm… creative… marketing techniques even the big guys are using on occasion. However, a word of caution. These tactics are not for the faint of heart, nor do they...

Mother Nature Approved “Green” Promo Items for Yo’ Biz


Alert- since Earth Day was just this week, I thought a little Mother Nature lovin’ to be an appropriate focus for today’s post.  Being an entrepreneur who is aware of the earth and its inhabitants, you strive to improve. (I did say strive now, no one expects perfection.) You’re giving, and your intentions are pure. A blog entry by Carrie Klassen of Pink Elephant Communications...

Novel Idea- Pick Up The Phone And Call Your Twitter Followers


This is a guest post courtesy of my buddy and biz associate, who is one of the most sincere and genuine folks I’ve had the pleasure of making friends with via social media.  Of course he’s the polar opposite of moi, because he actually LIKES talking to folks on the phone and meeting people on the realz. hehe Not to say I hate meeting new people, I am just the type who tends to get a...

To Do… or Not To Do… Getting Social with a Marketing Agency


Social media is here to stay folks. The platforms may change, processes may change, but it’s definitely not going anywhere. Unless of course we experience a sudden worldwide blackout, REVOLUTION style. (Tell me you get the reference!) But I digress. Some people, unfortunately for them, still tend to look at social media as a waste of time, or as merely a toy for young people. Some...

Making Your Passion Profitable: Tips for Building Your Small Business


Project Runway’s 10th season recently concluded after designer Dmitri Sholokhov was named the winner. Sholokhov was rewarded with a $100,000 cash prize, a technology suite valued at $50,000 and a new luxury car. He will also have his work featured in Marie Claire magazine and has the opportunity to sell an exclusive collection at the prestigious retailer Lord & Taylor. For most aspiring...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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Omg omg omg omg omg omg!!!!!! You are freakin awesome!!!!!! Ok..let me try and compose myself…You rock Girl!!!! You hit it smack on the nail!

Takisha Smith,

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