CategoryBiz and Marketing

How Can A Small Business Compete? Part 1


If you're a small biz owner struggling to make a profit, you know that competing with the big dogs is usually a no-win situation. Wal-Mart has an obvious advantage over your local ma and pop shops. The huge chain gets drastic discounts from vendors, can afford to sell for little to zero markup and makes their money based purely on volume. This applies to online businesses as well. If you are...

Guest Post: Bootstrapping on Steroids- Build an Internet, Technology or Software Company for Zero Dollars Part 3


This is the final piece in this 3 Part series, courtesy of Alex Genadinik. Here is Part 1 and Part 2 if you need to catch up. Introducing: Guest blogger and fellow Tweep Alex. Alex has a background in software engineering and is currently focused on building semantic systems for the business world. He is the founder of Semantic Valley, a web 3.0 start-up specializing in creating taxonomy and...

Guest Post: Bootstrapping on Steroids- Build an Internet, Technology or Software Company for Zero Dollars Part 2


This is the Part 2 of a 3 part series, courtesy of Alex Genadinik. Part 1 can be found here. Introducing: Guest blogger and fellow Tweep Alex. Alex has a background in software engineering and is currently focused on building semantic systems for the business world. He is the founder of Semantic Valley, a web 3.0 start-up specializing in creating taxonomy and ontology based products. Their alpha...

Guest Post: Bootstrapping on Steroids- Build an Internet, Technology or Software Company for Zero Dollars Part 1


This is the beginning of a 3 part series, courtesy of Alex Genadinik. Introducing: Guest blogger and fellow Tweep Alex. Alex has a background in software engineering and is currently focused on building semantic systems for the business world. He is the founder of Semantic Valley, a web 3.0 start-up specializing in creating taxonomy and ontology based products. Their alpha-stage demo of a...

POLL: I Want to Know…


Your biggest, brightest, most burning questions and problems regarding: Business and Entrepreneurship Smart and Effective Marketing Ad Copy and Copywriting Search Engine Optimization E-Mail Marketing and List Building Blogging/Content Development Relationship Marketing Web Content Social Media and Self-Employment Branding Increasing Revenue Delegating Creating Systems and Leverage And anything...

Success in Sales Doesn't Just Happen


When multi-national energy and petrochemicals company Shell launched their “What Drives You?” Campaign three years ago, the company re-launched its image to the public with a two-level campaign touching on human “passion” and the secret behind “smooth driving” for an automobile. The campaign was such a success that it increased not only sales for the company...

Finding the Win-Win Solution in Sales


I’ve often heard people complain about their situation in life and remarking that they don’t really have a choice about it because of this and that. I totally disagree! Everyone has a choice. People are in their situation because they choose to be. It’s a decision based on their set of values, standards, and desires, mired in the reality of what they are really capable of at the...

How to Get Customer Agreement in One Easy Step


Every sales professional’s goal is to get the customer to agree to purchase what they are offering. It doesn’t matter if it’s face to face, on the phone, or with ad copy.  But to make sure that you are on the same page, you have to do one simple step before you can even close the deal: summarize the motivation of the client. You also may know this as defining the problem.  This is the point...

Self Promotion Doesn’t Always Have To Be Shameless!


Ever heard the old saying, “No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care”?  Rarely have more truer words been spoken! 🙂 So how do you go about showing people you care and still promote your business or product at the same time? One of the best ways to show someone that you care about their well-being is to teach them about what you do. Instead of billing yourself...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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Have a question? Need a quote? Feel free to reach out via my contact page, and I'll reply as soon as possible. You can also check out my new website at for information on content retainers and portfolio links.

The best compliment that I can pay Cori is to simply say that “she gets it”.

She works extremely hard to capture the written “voice” that will define your business. Cori intuitively knows how to deliver your message in a voice that is both creative and effective. As a newly-minted small business owner, I rely heavily on both her counsel and her expertise. And on top of all of that, she’s hilarious!

Marian Rembert,

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