CategoryBiz and Marketing

Forget About Finding NEW Customers- Pamper the Old!


This is a guest post by Adrian Swinscoe regarding a very important topic for a small business owner and entrepreneur… customer retention! Most conversations about business growth would have acquiring new customers right at the top of their list of things to do. For most established businesses, I think that’s rubbish! I would argue that the most important thing for any established business...

This Ain’t a Circus People! How to Juggle Multiple Clients like a Pro!


OK, so I know that when you’re first starting out as an entrepreneur, there’s a tendency to accept all of the projects that come your way.  As in all…  like A-L-L. Luckily it’s a natural inclination and you’re not just bonkers. Chalk it up to perhaps being excited to establish your expertise and credibility—you want to show the world that you can do anything! Or maybe, like many first...

Twitter’s Got New Features! What Do You Make of Them?


OK, so my time’s been a bit crunched today so I’ve not written my usual length post.  (What’s that you say?  You’re relieved?!  I think I’m hurt…) But I did want to take a few minutes to talk about Twitter, as I’m a pretty active Twitter user myself. OK, so a couple of weeks ago, cyberspace was all agog about Twitter’s announcement about rolling out new features and a new business model...

Enter the Ranks of Super-Entrepreneur and Beef up Your Savings Strategy


OK, so this might stem from the fact that I’ve been taking Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace class now for the last several weeks. And in fact I wrote a post not too long ago where I talked about some of what I’ve learned so far on getting intentional and focusing on your goals. And then I talked about good ole Dave Ramsey again when I talked about emergencies being guaranteed to happen… that’s just...

5 Things Smart Entrepreneurs Know- It’s Almost Like, Religion Kinda!


OK, maybe not exactly religion, but heck if you’re a smarty… you’re a smarty!  Worship at the altar of smarty pants and flaunt it if you know it.  Er… or something to that effect anyway. And if you don’t yet know these 5 things, prepare to be enlightened, and join the ranks of smarty pants the world over. Dum da dum dum… Ooohh… that was a bit dramatic wasn’t it? Alright, enough with the...

Get the Best Clients and- Novel Idea- Keep Them! Oh and Give Them Candy!


Being an ‘entrepreneur’ has a ton of challenges.  When you’re a freelancer on top of that (meaning you cater to clients, not just “customers”) there are even more of them! One of the biggest challenges I think with being a successful freelancer is in finding the right people to work for. Clients might be your boss (sort of) but guess what? They are also your partners! (Sort of). And, while it’s...

Top 40 Do’s and Don’ts Before Selling the Farm and Going All Entrepreneur


OK, so if you’re anything like the 85% of the rest of the world, this whole down economy thing is the pits and probably has it’s dirty little talons firmly entrenched in your dubiously positive mindset.  So you’re carefully weighing your options and trying to figure out your next move in this game called life. Or, if you’re like the other 15% you’re toying with the idea of going all entrepreneur...

8 Things No One Told Me about Being a Grown-Up and Running a Business


You know, I’m inclined to think just about everyone wants to start their own business these days.  We all harbor secret, fetish laden dreams of ‘sticking it to the man’ someday soon. Or swimming around like dolphins in gargantuan pools of money circa Scrooge McDuck. Alright, so maybe that last one is just me. OK fine! So maybe they’re both just me… but you know I’m getting warm! Entrepreneurship...

What to Do When (Insert Colorful Cuss Word Here) Happens


Sometimes the worst happens. Living in today’s world with the words economic depression being bantered about in conversation, people being laid-off or fired from jobs they’ve worked at for years, homes being foreclosed on… yeah, sometimes the worst happens, or what feels like the worst in that moment. The only thing you can do is keep moving forward, and as they say… make lemonade out of lemons. ...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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The best compliment that I can pay Cori is to simply say that “she gets it”.

She works extremely hard to capture the written “voice” that will define your business. Cori intuitively knows how to deliver your message in a voice that is both creative and effective. As a newly-minted small business owner, I rely heavily on both her counsel and her expertise. And on top of all of that, she’s hilarious!

Marian Rembert,

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