CategoryBiz and Marketing

BGB’ers I Need Your Help


I am currently outlining some product ideas that I hope to roll out in the future, and to put it simply… I need your feedback. I need to know what YOU as a reader of BGB and fellow entrepreneur (or wannabe entrepreneur!) would happily pay good money for me to create for you. Now I know it’s tough to part with money, which is why I need your help in the creation department.  I only...

Social Networking, Tobri and Ants- Social Media Gets Graphic


We’ve seen them all come and we’ve seen them all go. There were different gimmicks, different features, different ways of trying to reel in the public and get as many people as possible to sign up for an account. We’ve watched their birth, their tentative climb towards success, the eventual plateau in popularity, and finally the natural death that comes to claim everything in this world. No, I’m...

The Cherry Has Been Popped! (And Other Blog Carnival News)


Hey BGB’ers! OK, today is the big day! The results of my first ever Blog Carnival, run by Miz Joella at BlogsWithWings and hosted by yours truly. First I want to thank everyone who participated; it was fun to read everyone’s views on monetizing a blog without ticking your readers off and making a general fat mess of it. J We actually got a ton of spam submissions as well, which was extremely...

5 Dirty Little Secrets and 28 Ways to Show #CustomerLove


So, in the spirit of the #customerlove movement started by David and perpetuated by LaVonne and now Holly (And because it’s the Sunday night before Labor Day and Sunday nights such as this are supposed to be fun!) I decided to share 5 things about yours truly (meaning moi for you slow folks that are already getting your holiday weekend party on… 😉 ) that you might not know. (And by...

Avoid a Freelance #Fail with Creativity, “Bread and Buttah”, and Rainbow Colored Toe-Socks


Often, you’ll find many freelancers are a creative lot. They are drawn to freelancing because the idea of making a living on their own terms appeals, so they can free up more of their time for creative pursuits. I know… I’m a pretty creative chick myself. However, creative doesn’t always do the job of paying the bills.  Sure it’s fun to take on that job that challenges your creativity and makes...

Rock the Shite Out of Your Sales


Hey BGB’ers… I’m actually writing this post because originally I prepared a great little guide as a giveaway to my newsletter subscribers. (OK fine, let’s call it like it is shall we, it’s a reward.  Or a treat.  Or a freakin’ cookie, how’s that?) But… it was intended to be sung from the rooftops via pop-up. Any hoo, I scrapped that because I...

Online Marketing: Should You Opt for a Popular or Niche Market?


This is a guest post from Dan Offer regarding the age old question entrepreneurs  new to online marketing face.  Popular or niche?  Dan breaks it down and attempts to help you make the best decision for YOU. And if you like this post, please be sure to drop your comments below. Probably the most important decision to be made when considering a home-based career as an online marketer is what...

Attract Your Perfect Client and Enslave Them So Only YOU Can Satisfy Their… Erm… Biz Needs!


Dirty… you totally thought I was going to say something different didn’t you? Minds out of the gutter people! But OK, so mayhap I did exaggerate just an eensy weensy bit there. Maybe you can’t keep a client enslaved and enamoured with your work for the entire duration of happily ever after… after all, ever after is a pretty long time. But hey… you can damn sure try! You can make...

Creative Business Success: How to Synchronize the Right and Left Brains


This is a guest post by Annie Wallace, with some great insight and tips into being a successful (primarily) right-brained entrepreneur.  AKA the “creative type” that loves the “idea phase” but struggles a bit with “the biz” side of things.  Now who does that sound like… you perhaps? In business and in life we tend to categorize people as ‘left brained’ or...

Don’t Get Caught With Your Pants Down- 3 Lessons Every Entrepreneur Should Learn


Hey all you entrepreneurial rockstars. Have ya missed me? 😉 Unfortunately in addition to going through some family turmoil and custody issues with my step-son… I was also hit with a migraine early Monday eve, and it literally put me out of commission all week long. Today is the first day I’ve rolled out of bed without pain in my head. (Look… I’m a poet and didn’t know it too!) Hopefully, (fingers...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

Get in touch

Have a question? Need a quote? Feel free to reach out via my contact page, and I'll reply as soon as possible. You can also check out my new website at for information on content retainers and portfolio links.

The best compliment that I can pay Cori is to simply say that “she gets it”.

She works extremely hard to capture the written “voice” that will define your business. Cori intuitively knows how to deliver your message in a voice that is both creative and effective. As a newly-minted small business owner, I rely heavily on both her counsel and her expertise. And on top of all of that, she’s hilarious!

Marian Rembert,

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