CategoryBiz and Marketing

Simple Steps to Biz Blog Transformation- Mo’ Love, Mo’ Money!


First of all, let me preface by saying HI BGB’ERS! 😀 Long time no blog! I apologize for being so MIA and leaving ya’ll in the content lurch. Unfortunately I have been in the middle of a custody battle over my step-son and it’s eaten up quite a bit of time and resources. But I know God’s got our back and all will be well, so- moving on! I just have two questions for you, dear BGB’er: What’s your...

How to Become Self Employed (And When to Do It)


This is a guest post by Aimee Sway.  Self employment isn’t a cakewalk and anyone who tells you otherwise is probably only out to take your money. That said, I feel there are a ton of rewards that more than make up for all the not so easy stuff.  But it’s hard to make that initial decision of “should you or shouldn’t you” sometimes.  Hopefully Aimee’s thoughts...

JV Alert Live and My Musings on Networking


Hey there peeps. Happy Monday! I actually was tied up most of the weekend attending an Internet Marketing seminar here in Orlando, at the invitation of Ken McArthur to be an expert panelist. (So honored by the way!) To tell you a bit about it, I decide to create a quick video (gasp!) and share my thoughts. (I know, you’re still reeling over the fact I’ve done another video...

Making Money with a Shoestring, a Thumbtack, and a Pea Brain


OK, so maybe not with a shoestring and a thumbtack. But with a brain definitely (minus the pea) as well as an Internet connection and a lap top. Or at least access to an Internet connection and a lap top.  C’mon, we’re not going all MacGyver here, sheesh. Anyhoo. I thought I’d write a post today tonight 2 days ago, exploring two very viable ways a motivated chap (or chappete)...

3 Lessons My Kids Can Teach YOU (and me!) About Business


This is a guest post from the lovely Kazia.  She’s a busy mom herself, and I’m a huge admirer of mom’s who are rockin’ it when it comes to entrepreneurship. Here’s her story on why she thinks her kids (and probably YOURS too…) are smarter than us all when it comes to biz. Be sure to make her feel welcome, and drop any thoughts or questions in the comments below...

What to Do When Your Biz Morphs into a Big Fat #FAIL


I have a caveat for you: no matter how well-prepared you are for any eventuality in your business, no matter what you do to avoid all possible problems, you will never be able to ensure your success 100 percent. Contrary to the popular adage, all’s NOT fair in love and war. And make no mistake. Business is war, complete with state-of-the-art technology and sly tactics to outdo the competition. ...

Smart Ways to Use Facebook for Relationship Marketing


This is a second guest post via Daniel as a bit of a follow-up to the previous post regarding Facebook.  As Daniel mentions, Facebook is huge, with over 500 million active users. Love it or hate it, that’s a whole lotta people at the tips of your little fingers, and savvy businesses are utilizing Facebook (often in conjunction with Twitter) as the ultimate relationship marketing tool, via...

9 Research and Sleuthing Tools Your Business Can’t Live Without


OK, so in the latest guest post, James discussed the importance of keyword research as a form of gathering market research or intel on what people are looking for when it comes to your content. Those thoughts spawned the thought that market research in general would be a great topic to expand upon a bit, because to put it bluntly… if you don’t know your market, you’re going to have a helluva time...

And Survey Says… Ta-Da! I’m a Bit Surprised!


Hey BGB’ers. You might recall a little over a week ago I published a post asking for your feedback to some questions I had regarding products and services you might be interested in. I gave the post some time to percolate and for some of you to answer, and now today I’m back with some somewhat surprising (at least to me!) results! So without further ado, here’s what I asked, and what many of...

Get an O for Outstanding and Awaken Your Inner Entrepreneur


Let’s face it folks—standing out and being an excellent and successful entrepreneur is harder than it sounds. I mean sure, it looks easy as pie on paper, but reality is often quite a bit different than what the textbooks tell you. Sure it sounds pretty awesome, and often is. No boss, no corporate culture, no need to put in 8 plus hours of work in a drab office every day, surrounded by snippy...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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Have a question? Need a quote? Feel free to reach out via my contact page, and I'll reply as soon as possible. You can also check out my new website at for information on content retainers and portfolio links.

Omg omg omg omg omg omg!!!!!! You are freakin awesome!!!!!! Ok..let me try and compose myself…You rock Girl!!!! You hit it smack on the nail!

Takisha Smith,

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