Business Intelligence BAD ASS- Do You Have What It Takes?

OK boys and girls. Listen up.

I know it may seem I’ve been rather promote-y lately with all the cool things I’ve been endorsing BUT… it can’t be helped!

‘Tis the season, and all these things I’ve been yammering about lately, are… well COOL.


Anyhoo, that brings me to today and something ELSE killer cool that I can’t help but share. Some of you may or may not know my buddy David of Heroic Destiny.

If you don’t, you should!

And if you don’t, then here is the perfect introduction.

And if you do… well then you already know he’s awesome ergo anything he offers will be awesome too.

OK so now that all the awesomes are out of the way, let’s get to the point.

David has started a new blog that is built and designed to help YOU reach your goals and become what he terms a “Business Bad Ass”.

Sweet. I like being a bad ass, how about you?

Basically the premise is this.

YOU already have it in you to be successful and rock your business. It’s all there, compiled from the countless books, blog posts, and life experiences you’ve accumulated over time.

The problem is a lot of people don’t realize just how much they really know because there is SOOO much information out there it becomes hard to filter and synthesize it into solid business sense that achieves results.

Everything gets a little lost in translation, and then WE become a bit lost.


What if it didn’t have to be that way?

What if you could squeeze out all that knowledge you’ve got percolating around in your brain, and make a nice strong cup of business tea with it?

What if you could extract all those “missing elements” that literally could help you transform your business into something more amazing than it was yesterday?

All those little nuggets of “gold” you’ve accumulated… dug up, polished off, and melded back into your business strategy for maximum gain?

Doesn’t that sound pretty fracken awesome?

Yeah, I thought so too.

So my friend David has come up with an extremely unique way to help you do that, that he calls ETL for short.

ETL stands for Extract Transform Load, which is a business intelligence term used to describe the process of extracting info from a database (in this case your brain), transform it into something usable (aka actionable information) and then load it back into an accessible system. (In this case, a very unique take on a blog, with your own private members area!)

David took this ETL process and used it as inspiration to create a course designed to help you tap into all the amazing knowledge you’ve accumulated inside that head of yours, analyze the information you share, and then transform and reload it into the system as useful, actionable, VALUABLE intel that can be immediately applied to your business.

Introducing Business Intelligence Bad Ass

(From the salespage…)

This system is a TOP to BOTTOM evaluation!
Starting with your goals, you work backwards down to the details of your business
so that you are certain that EVERYTHING you do points to your goals.

You will cover, not only your goals, but the very reasons why those goals are important to you.

At each step of the way, you will be able to compare your current action steps against your goals, not ambiguously, but very clearly stated for you to see! (Try getting an ebook to do THAT for you!)

Goals, Motivation, and Your Ideal Business

Once we’ve covered your goals and the motivation to keep chasing after them,
then we come to your business.

Are you doing the business that is right for YOU?

Is it the best use of your resources?
Your abilities?
Your strengths and interests?

Your Ideal Customers

The system doesn’t just leave you with grand hopes and dreams, we dig further:

WHO are your ideal customers?
WHAT is it that THEY really want from YOU?
HOW do you best approach them?

And when it’s all said and done?

The system walks you back through YOUR specific steps to analyze YOUR final product!

The Power is YOU!

As you can see, David is definitely presenting something entirely unique and something that I believe will be enormously helpful to entrepreneurs.

Especially those who struggle with information overload or practical application of knowledge.


David has opened the doors to his new program, which is a four week course designed to help you discover your power and take your business to the next level.

OH… and keep in mind David is an expert when it comes to business intelligence and analysis. Like dork level genius, which is probably why he’s a BGB fan. (We dorks tend to flock together ya know!)

He provides information like this on a regular basis to his clients in the corporate world, many of them Fortune 500 companies.

So I can say with absolute certainty that David knows his shit and that this course is going to be an investment that will pay off many times over for those brave enough to dive in and discover their own “hidden” power.

But because it’s still a program in “beta”, openings are limited to this week only, and at a drastically reduced cost.

I have it on good authority that once this first four week course has been completed and all bugs worked out, the price will be significantly higher the second time around.

But for now, you can get in for just $100 bucks.

So if you’re ready to unlock the power of your own mind and use it to transform your life and business, I’d say get in now while the gettin’s good!

It’s just a $100 bucks, and class starts first thing next Monday.

And yes, I do make a commission should you choose to jump in using my link, but ya’ll know I wouldn‘t waste time recommending this program if I didn’t believe in it and its creator 100 percent.

So… stop wasting time will you? Hurry up and reserve your spot now before the doors close and class is in session.

Then be sure to pop on back here once you’ve completed the program, to tell us all about it in the comments below and let us know how it’s transformed your business.

We’ll all be itching to hear the success stories! 😀

Oh and if you know someone who can benefit from a program like this, be sure to share this post.  It’ll be mucho appreciated!
