Not So Secret Fundamentals to a Positive Mindset
Yesterday I talked about a positive mindset and how a lack of sleep can really put a damper on it. And I feel that a positive mind is really important to running a successful business as well as achieving personal goals, so I wanted to talk about a few key fundamentals to keeping your brain happy and focused.
First of all, figure out what the heck it really is that YOU want from your life. Not just business related, but your LIFE, in all its glory. And I’m not talking about what your great aunt Mimi wants for you, or your loving but disapproving dad wants from you; or anyone else for that matter. Nor am I talking about those things you think you SHOULD want in order to be a happy and well functioning person. Screw that, I’m talking about what YOU want in your secret little heart of hearts. Sit down with yourself, have a lunch date with your notebook, and FIGURE IT OUT.