
Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.
Copy and Messaging

The Care and Feeding of Copywriters

This letter is courtesy of fellow copywriter Rick Duris who is also a fellow Warrior on the Warrior Forum. I think he has some great points in this letter than a lot of marketers need to hear, and he gave me permission to share it. Warning: Somewhat long, but a great read regardless. Thoughts and comments are welcome!

Dear Fellow Marketer,

Like you, I am a marketer.

But at my core, in my heart, I am a copywriter. I get paid thousands per sales letter and email. Frankly, even more than the late, revered Gary Halbert, the Prince of Print.

Many online marketers frequent this forum to find that one, special, gifted copywriter who has what it takes to write copy for them.

It’s to *YOU*, this post is directed.

Biz and Marketing

12 Important Goals to Set For Yourself and Your Business This Year

Everyone should have goals for their business, whether personal or professional. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that without planning you plan to fail. That said, here are 12 things I think are important goals to set for yourself and your biz. These are 12 things I strive for myself, and feel could be a good fit for you as well.

I am sure there are plenty of other important things I’m just not thinking of at the moment, so if you have ideas of your own, please leave them in the comments below. I’d love to hear them and I’m sure the rest of BGB’s readers would love to hear them as well!

1. Map out a business plan. Even if it’s a loose one, you need SOME sort of plan this year to keep your business on track, measure your goals, and reach milestones. Make your businesses milestones specific, attainable, and set a deadline to reach them. Use a mindmap, write it down on paper, or go ‘whole hog’ and create an honest to goodness business plan. (With a little help from a professional if you need it!)

Biz and Marketing

8 Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs

So in the last post, Self-Employment: Do You Have What It Takes? I introduced the topic and discussed a bit about what it really takes to be a successful entrepreneur. Now here are 8 traits that many of those who are successfully self-employed share in common… let’s see how you rank. Make sure to leave your comments in the box below and subscribe to my RSS feed to keep up with new posts.

8 Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs:

Biz and Marketing

Self-Employed: Do You Have What It Takes?

Sure, self-employment sounds glamorous. You envision working for yourself, ditching the grind of a J.O.B., making oodles of cash, and doing it all in just one day a week! But the reality isn’t quite so glamorous, nor is it achieved in working just one day a week. At least not when you start out at any rate! Unless you’ve had a different experience than me? If so do share! 🙂

The reality is that being self-employed really takes a special kind of person. It takes someone who is dedicated, motivated, and disciplined or is at least is all three of those things the majority of the time.

Mindset and Inspiration

Dear Twitterheads- Ya’ll Are Awesome!

Coffee and Convo… Let’s Chat!

I created this post because, let’s face it… you really can’t get to know someone in a 140 characters or less. And that’s kind of crappy because the point of Twitter is to connect, get to know people, and build relationships! So to that end, I thought I’d post a little about me so that you can dig around and see a bit of what makes me tic.

Biz and Marketing

Guest Post:Alpha Freelancers Seek Out and Accept Only High-Value Engagements – You Can Do the Same

Your next freelance copywriting client could be worth $1,000 to you. Or it could be worth $10,000 or more.

It’s up to you.

No, it isn’t the luck of the draw. No, it isn’t about the economy. No it isn’t about competition from other freelancers.

If you think the value of your next freelance assignment is determined by external factors, you’re just making excuses. It is determined by you.

Alpha freelancers have a plan. They know where they are going. They have a goal and a set of waypoints to reach between where they are now, and where they want to get to.

Having a plan, and a goal in mind, means that every action they take is considered and deliberate. They don’t accept assignments that happen to come along. They seek out assignments that will help them achieve their goals.

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