A Day of Recognition- Top #FollowFriday Tweeps and Why

OK, so I’m not a huge fan of #FollowFriday these days, because most folks just lump a huge tweet full of people together and say #FF with no specific reason on why you should follow those people, or have auto-tweets set up that recommend the same Tweeps every Friday.

However I do participate here and there and try to thank the folks who recommend me.

That said, I decided to write a post today on a handful of the tweeps I follow that I truly enjoy following and why.  And please, if you don’t see your name here, don’t assume I don’t enjoy following you… but with as many tweeps as I have, I simply can’t put everyone here!

So keep your panties untwisted, I still adore you! 😉 (And mayhap I’ll do another of these sometime that mentions you!)

First up is:

@ MattLevenhagen

I love Matt because he is awesome.  A founding member of #DorkBrigade and practically family from my Earn1KaDay forum days… a nicer, more helpful man you will never meet.  He truly like to help others succeed, and runs a great membership site over at XtremeProfits for niche marketers.  He’s also a great Tweeter that actually holds conversations with his tweeps rather than broadcasting 24/7 or spamming.  Can’t beat that!  So shoot him a tweet and ask him if you can be a member of the #DorkBrigade… he’ll know who sent ya!

@ jenniferwindrum

Jennifer is a newer tweep I’ve been stalking, and totally enjoy following her!  Again, she is a tweep that actually holds conversations with her followers, and runs a blog called WTFLungCancer.com (and no, WTF does NOT mean what you think it means!) Her bio states “I don’t do status quo” and I’d have to agree… which is totally why I like her!  Plus we had a lovely debate all about the joys of chocolate the other day on Twitter, so cripes… can’t hate her now!  (Although she does hate me a little bit, but I’ll let you ask her why! Hee!)

@ skooloflife

Srinivas Rao (let’s just call him Rao shall we?) I’ve been keeping up with after I ran across a great post on his blog TheSkoolOfLife one day.  Needless to say I was hooked… he is such a nice guy with some great things to say, and again… actually holds conversations on Twitter! (I know… you’re sick of hearing that part…) So I highly recommend checking out his blog and saying hi on Twitter… just tell him @BigGirlBranding sent ya! 😉


Clipped from: @teevee2 (share this clip)

Teevee I met on a blog once upon a time, doing a dorky little dance for a video contest and couldn’t help but stay in touch… he’s such an infectious, sweet guy… uber proud papa… and perfect Tweep and friend material.  Also… wait for it… wait for it… actually holds conversations on Twitter! (You totally knew I was going to say that didn’t you?)


Clipped from: @abbykerr (share this clip)

I met Abby after she so graciously came out of lurker status during a small little contest I held for my readers to coax them out of hiding in the comments.  She runs a new but EXCELLENT blog over at AbbyKerrInk. The new blog is absolutely beautifully designed, and the content is absolutely stellar.  And like me, she tends to make words up sometimes… I’m thinking it must be a writer thing?  Plus, like all the rest she actually engages on Twitter and conversates!  Win-win all around in my book, so be sure to pop over and say hello to her sometime, especially if you’re an indie biz… those are her specialty!

@ AJDonovan

Clipped from: @AJDonovan (share this clip)

Andy is a wonderful tweep to follow… not only is he kind and holds conversations, but he’s also the father of triplets!  That’s THREE… count ‘em THREE children all EXACTLY the same age… yikes.  I’m good, but not that good, so kudo’s to Andy for holding down the fort and still being an amazing person to know.  He runs a communications and event management company called the Donovan Group that’s doing some great things… so drop by and see what he’s all about.  Better yet, hit him up on Twitter… and don’t be shy he’s a member of the #DorkBrigade too!


Mars is a cool cat to follow… I love his blog, I love his energy, and he’s an awesome tweep that engages with people, reciprocates, and HOLDS CONVERSATIONS!  (Sorry, got a bit passionate there… whew. I think you get it now though.) You can check out his great blog at MarsDorian.com and see him tearing up the guest blogging world as well.  My latest fave that I think he knocked out of the park is all about Lady Gaga.  (Yeah, I’m a fan… and what?!)

So there you have it… a handful of Tweeps I love to stalk (erm… follow I mean…) and why.  And since it’s #FollowFriday… you should stalk (erm… follow!) them too!

Quick Pop Quiz

What’s the reigning theme here that makes all these tweeps great?  Besides being awesome of course?

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See, I knew you were reading!

Now how about you?

Have a few stellar tweeps you think should be added to my list? Drop them in the comments below so you can tell the world all about their awesomeness.
