Pressing On: Advice for Overcoming Entrepreneurship Hurdles

Being the boss sounds enticing, but in retrospect, most entrepreneurs would agree that it’s not the glitz and glam you may have believed it to be. True, there are perks to owning a business.

You can work on something you’re passionate about, use your own visions, control the direction, and, if you succeed, you can also earn a decent living. Yet, to experience the positives of being an entrepreneur also means taking the good with the bad.

There are many hurdles you’ll have to jump over to achieve success.

You must develop your own formula for taking your ideas and turning them into a business that will benefit a large demographic while learning how to create a brand that can withstand the competition.

There are a lot of elements to this and falling off or missing one can mean the end of your business.

Learning to be prepared for those barriers may not prevent them from trying to block your path, but it can make them a lot easier to overcome. Below is some advice on how to beat the hurdles of being an entrepreneur.

Start Something You’re Passionate About

Obviously, you want your business to make money, but that cannot be the driving force behind why you start it. As you’ll soon find out, the first few years of owning your own business may not generate that much revenue.

That’s because you’ll need to invest into the company to make it a success. If you’re doing something just to make money, when you’re not making a cent, you’ll become uninspired to press on.

When there’s passion involved, however, it pushes you to heights you didn’t even know you could reach. So, think of ideas that tie to who you are and what would serve a higher purpose.

Always Have a Backup Plan

When ideas or decisions don’t work out as you had hoped, it’s important to be prepared. The time you waste crying over spilled milk could be used for pouring yourself another glass.

Do your research on common hurdles in starting a business and try to create a plan of action to prevent or minimize the blow to your company.

For example, poor cash flow management is one of the top reasons that businesses fail. How can you prevent this? By setting up an organized invoicing system and also being prepared for the worst.

If you were a trucking company owner and clients weren’t paying their invoices in a timely manner, you might look to service providers like TBS Factoring to help you out. They can provide you with the cash (minus rates and fees) from unpaid invoices so you can use that money to keep your business afloat.

Learn Something From Every Setback

During your entrepreneurial journey, there will be a lot of setbacks. As you learn to navigate these professional waters, you’ll make a lot of mistakes and ill-informed decisions that set you back a bit.

This is a natural part of the process, of learning what works and what doesn’t for your brand. When mistakes are made, acknowledge them and try to find the silver lining.

What wisdom can be gleaned from your mistakes? How can you prevent those mistakes from happening in the future?

It is often failure and disappointment that breeds success, so don’t become stagnated because of a mistake. Accept it, learn from it, and move on.

Surround Yourself with a Good Network

Anyone who has been successful in business has done so with the help of others. Surrounding yourself with positive, like-minded, business professionals can prove more valuable than any other business resource.

The right network, from mentors and business associates, to your staff and customers, can provide you with fresh advice and also be a lifeline when you’re going through difficult times. Be as social as you can and when you connect with good people, continue to cultivate those relationships.

It is no secret that being an entrepreneur is hard. Yet, if you have the willpower and passion to press through the struggle, you can be successful.

Remember, the keys to overcoming hurdles you’ll face is doing what you love, creating backup plans, learning from your mistakes, and surrounding yourself with the right group of people. Follow this advice and your journey to success will be much easier.

Over to You

How do you overcome hurdles as a freelancer or entrepreneur? What kind of people do you surround yourself with?

Photo by Victoria Heath on Unsplash


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