How to Integrate Your Brand into Your Office Design


Whether you work from home or commute to an office, odds are you spend a sizable chunk of your valuable time in your workspace. I should know, I spend an inordinate amount of time in mine. Mine also happens to be my bedroom, so there is that.

That being said, decorating your office can have more of an impact than you think, both on you personally as well as your staff, clients and potential customers who enter your space. A space that feels good and conveys who you are as a professional or what your brand represents is well worth the effort.

Note: this likely means you should not work out of your bedroom like I do. Although to be fair, I do have a home office. I just prefer my nice comfy bed. 😉

Regardless, before you dive into redecorating said office, you’ll have a few key things to consider.

Everything from colors and decor to layout and design can make an impact. You also want to be aware of how incorporating your branding into the decor will flow seamlessly into the overall look of your office.

Where to Start

Good question. First, it’s important to plan ahead. Make time to sketch out what you are planning in every area of the office. Do the rooms and hallways flow together? Did you leave ample room for traffic and social interaction? Did you take into account possible future expansion or growth? By asking yourself a few simple questions, you can save time, energy and money in the long run.

Next consider how to best take advantage of your particular space. If you have multiple rooms in your office, make sure you are putting them to their best possible use. Reception areas should be open and inviting with comfortable seating.

Hallways can be designed with your brand in mind instead of just a solid color, and if done well, can make a great first impression on your clients as you lead them to a meeting room.

Finally, remember to think outside the box. When planning out furniture and accessories, allow room for creativity.

Floating or wall-mounted desks offered at stores like Overstock are an affordable way to add creativity while saving space. Custom roller blinds from The Shade Store add a unique look while still being functional.

And don’t be afraid to take advantage of color. Whether you are looking to match your brand and logo, or give employees a mood boost, color choices can have a significant impact.

Staff Considerations

Most offices have a variety of departments and areas: finance, customer service, research, design, implementation and meeting spaces. Unless of course you freelance from home. Then you might have your kitchen, your bathroom, your… but I digress. hehe

The employees in each of these departments might have a drastically different idea of how they want the rooms to look, and it always pays to keep your staff happy. (Or your hubby. Whatevs.)

Companies like Drum celebrate the diversity of their employees with fun wall designs in the creative department space and a mural in the meeting room, highlighting their company’s ability to showcase for clients.

Google often takes things one step further. Their new office in Dublin is designed to match their iconic logo. All the rooms are painted in the colors of the brand, giant statues of the logo letters are positioned throughout and various rooms are designed in stylistic themes to promote employee productivity.

Remember that the best use of decor and design in your office is to reinforce your company and your brand. Keep this in mind while decorating and use the space available to promote yourself and your business.

Your clients will appreciate the time and effort you spent, and your employees will know that they are important, both of which can help to increase your success and profits. And if no one ever sees your workspace but you… who is more important than you when it comes to your workspace?

Treat yourself well and make your space functional, stylish, and comfy. You won’t want to work anywhere else.

Over to You

What does your office look like? Is it well-designed and organized to serve you best? Only you know what that looks like and feels like. Feel free to comment.

About the author


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

By Editor


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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