Be A Guest…

Contributor that is!

I am (currently at any rate, subject to change) open to featuring guest bloggers if you have a knack for writing well and have something relevant to share with my readers.

If that is something that interests you, please Contact Me with a link to your blog and/or examples of things you’ve written in the past, as well as your pitch.

Benefits to You as a Guest

Besides the karma points you get for sharing helpful and relevant information with my readers, you also help yourself build credibility and gain exposure within the online realm.

In addition to that, in exchange for a unique article you’ll get full credit, the option to feature a short bio with your photo, and a link to your website or blog. Absolutely no affiliate links or links to questionable sites.

Your post will also be featured the #BGB blog page and promoted by me.

#BGB is a page rank 3 (4? 3? The number keeps a changin’…) and is growing in readership and traffic numbers steadily.

Currently through the combined reach of email, RSS, FB, and Twitter there are roughly 110,000+ readers and fans.

You  have an opportunity to grow with #BGB, and establish a great relationship that could be beneficial to us both.  Your post will be featured out to all of the above avenues, maximizing exposure for you and your expertise as much as possible.

What I Am Looking For

The overall theme of Big Girl Branding is focused on Biz and Marketing, Branding and Image, Copy and Messaging, Focus and Productivity, Mindset and Inspiration, and just small businesses and entrepreneurship in general.

So I am looking for topics that are relevant to those key areas and impart good business sense and wisdom.

I’m also looking for what I call #BGB Tutorials… these would be pieces that offer some type of step by step instruction related to running a successful business that’s written in a clear and easy to follow format.

Think extremely actionable and useful information!

Some pitch ideas might include topics that fall under:

  • Business and Entrepreneurship
  • Smart and Effective Marketing
  • Ad Copy and Copywriting
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • E-Mail Marketing and List Building
  • Blogging/Content Development
  • Relationship Marketing
  • Attraction Marketing
  • Web Content and Content Marketing
  • Social Media and Self-Employment
  • Freelancing
  • Branding and Voice
  • Increasing Revenue
  • Delegating
  • Creating Systems and Leverage

Have something in mind you don’t see listed but feel would fit?  Just Email Me.

A Few Rules of the Road

All content should be unique and not reproduced anywhere else unless otherwise agreed upon via our emails together.

No blog post should use foul language, defame or attack another person or entity, or use racial slurs or otherwise inappropriate content and behaviors.

I am happy to link to your reputable website or blog, but I am not interested in helping you promote affiliate links or publishing your content solely so you can gain a backlink and raise your page rank.

Any photos you include must be royalty free with permission to use and modify if needed.

A guest post should be between 700-1400 words in length.

#BGB gravitates to longer, more meaty posts, and I would like any guest posts to be similar in format as well.

I reserve the right to make any changes I deem necessary to the piece in order to maintain quality such as grammatical errors, layout, headings, and overall flow.

I also reserve the right to decline publishing a piece I feel does not fit #BGB and my readers.

What I Need From You

After reviewing your samples, if we’re a go I will need a few things from you in order to post your article.

I will need:

  • The article itself of course.  Please make sure you edit it for typos and spelling errors.
  • Your full name and a Gravitar account created at (be sure to upload a nice image).
  • An email address you actually check and respond to, that corresponds with your Gravitar account.
  • A short bio about you, including a link to your blog and an anchor link.
  • You can also include a photo that compliments the post if you have one, or a link to a free image you feel might suit.  I often use Creative Commons photos from Flickr (with attribution) as well as free images from

Please note the above bullets are non-negotiable.

Ready to be a guest?  Let Me Know!

Warm regards,


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