How To Network Your Way Into The Big Boy’s Circle

No it’s not taking up hooking as a hobby. 😉  I swear!

However, if your business is currently floundering, it could be you need to take a look at how much effort you putting into networking.

Successful business 101, who you know could be your next big lead to your next big project.

Ally has put together a great starter on what it takes to network effectively.  If you have questions or comments, drop them in the comment section below!

You know – 20 years ago nobody could have predicted the money and success that can be achieved on the Internet for small and large businesses, with branding and for making some serious cash.

It is an all out explosion, and everywhere you look, new networking tools are becoming available for us to do just that – make a lot of cash. If the Internet is not part of your marketing plan, get on board – it is a tool that can generate referrals and create major profits for your business. Best of all – it’s free to network!

The problem lies in patience, tenacity and perseverance. Everyone wants to make money now, and that is not the case in networking. It takes time and a heck of a lot of work, but the payoff is great, and the business relationships you build today could put your business over the top tomorrow.

When wealthy networking guru Thomas Power was asked how he became successful, he had this to say: “The first question you need to ask yourself is how much money do you wish to earn each year? Networking is a very precise science based purely on numbers.”

He goes on to talk more about the numbers, and basically the amount of contacts you have, depends on how much you earn, i.e. you need 1,000 people to earn $100,000, etc.

Set Goals

First, set goals that you believe you can achieve which will help in not setting yourself up for failure. Write them down – where do you want to be in a year, how much money do you need to make, how many contacts, etc. and how do you plan on getting there? Read, gather information and start working, relentlessly.

Stay Focused

Staying focused is a main ingredient to networking success, and don’t let setbacks or other people slow you down, or distract you. Concentrate on your goals, and put yourself in a position where you cannot lose focus. You have a lot of work to do!

Network every minute you can, and never let up. Consider every single person in your cyber world a contact or opportunity. Make a goal of meeting at least 5 to 10 new people per day. Use social network sites, events, blogs, friends and family to gain contacts.

Get Help

Ask for help – get advice from mentors who have succeeded, and don’t be afraid to ask for their advice or help in teaching you what they have learned. Ask for favors from friends, teachers, coworkers, parents, sisters, etc., and make lists so that you don’t forget whom you’ve contacted and whom you have not.

Seize Opportunities

Subscribe to blogs, podcasts, and events and use every opportunity you can find in an effort to network. Never ignore friend requests or people asking for your help. They too are potential contacts.

Change the way you think about networking… branding yourself means spreading the word of your company along every single avenue you can imagine! Think of yourself as your company, and use that name consistently with every contact you encounter.

Record All

Keep an accurate record of every contact and everything that you have done so far, as it keeps you motivated when you realize how much you’ve accomplished in a short time. Motivation will not only escalate, but other contacts will want to know about your accomplishments. Use your contacts as a way to get potential jobs in the future and to network your company.

Be Proactive

Conduct people searches – get contacts from companies who are potential customers, or could be in the future. Make lists of these contacts, and call them to touch base and let them know you are there. The more people on your contact list the more success is bound to follow. Just as major network Guru Thomas Power stated, you only need 1,000 serious contacts to make $100,000 a year.

Stand Out

It’s also most definitely vital to be memorable and unique. Find a niche and modify and individualize it into something that is ‘catchy’ and uncommon. Something that people will remember, and that belongs only to you.

Open Your Ears

Above all – listen to your contacts when you talk or meet with them. One of the most successful marketing/networking techniques is actually listening to others talk, (people love talking about themselves), remembering what they said and asking pertinent questions that let them know you heard them to create an interest and a connection. They will be more likely to remember you later down the road.

And finally, the most important thing you can learn about networking is to realize that every single person you meet is a potential client/contact and you must keep that in mind, even if it’s the grocery store clerk. Never let your guard down, and be patient – follow these tips and you should be on your way to a very successful networking business.

If you liked this post or found it useful, spreading the love is always appreciated in whatever way suits your fancy. 😉

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