5 Ways to Use Web Content Development to Attract an Audience to Your Blog

If you’re a blogger or a business owner that runs a blog in order to increase exposure to your biz, these are a handful of good tips from Cheryl on how you can do exactly that.

Obviously these aren’t new techniques but they are tried and true and deserve a bit of pounding into your busy little brains. 😉

You can make her feel welcome by dropping your thoughts in the comments below.

With the amount of blogs on the Internet, it can become very hard to stand out from the crowd. If you are looking for better ways to attract an audience to you company’s website or blog, it will be beneficial to use web content development to grab the attention of your readers.

Keep It Fresh

Both your company’s website and its corporate blog will benefit from having new content as often as possible. Try to write blog posts about two to three times each week to truly optimize your site. Search engines are more likely to crawl and cache your page if you are producing new content. If your page hasn’t been cached by Google in a while then that means you’re not even on its radar.

Fresh content is also great for your blog’s audience. Readers will return to your page if they expect you to have multiple new posts each week. This keeps your blog fresh in their minds. If you don’t feel you have the time or manpower to write that often, then it’s good practice to seek out a content marketing company that can provide this service.

(Cori’s note: guest posts are also a spectacular way to create fresh content when you’re snowed under and can’t give your blog the due attention it deserves… thanks to all my guests!!!)

Make It Relevant

When writing the new content, you’ll also want to make sure that you are centering your post on a topic that is relevant to your overall website. You will want content that relates to other pages in your blog and the product or service your site provides to customers.

If you have a fashion retail site, then you will want to write posts about relatable topics like runway shows, designer collaborations, red carpet looks, seasonal trends and affordable styles to name a few. Your corporate blog should be in line with whatever product or service you sell in order to enhance the credibility of both your blog and your main website.

Let It Pop

Now that you’re writing new content and making it relevant to your site—what else is there in regards to web content development? Well so many blogs simply regurgitate the same content that is on their main site. To separate your blog from the pack you will need to truly engage your readers with content that will entertain them. Boring blog posts have a high bounce rate for a reason.

Don’t just write about the products you sell, but also create a topic that has added interest. How does your product stand out from similar items? What additional features does your particular service provide? Find a unique way—a way that hasn’t been done before on the Internet—to discuss what your company offers. Use images as visual examples that are intertwined with the text and represent a more holistic and entertaining piece.

Don’t Forget The Meta Data

Most of what you can do to attract an audience is done on the frontend of your blog. But what about the backend? In order to be well optimized for search engines and long-term organic ranking, your page should contain meta data. Meta tags are the behind-the-scenes opportunities for great SEO because search engines are trained to look at your tags when crawling your page. Your H1 through H5 tags should be relevant to the content and each page should have optimized keywords.

Keywords are a great way to integrate an internal link strategy on your blog. This form of contextual link building is how you can link content from your blog to other pages on your site, which directs a reader to a particular product or service that your company offers.

Create Link Worthy Content

Last but not least, creating link worthy content on your blog is a web content development strategy that will increase viewership.

What makes content link worthy? Well it has to be not only knowledgeable but also appealing. Readers have to feel compelled to want to share that content with a broader audience. This type of link worthy content is also called viral content because it has the opportunity to reach a large scope and take off.

Examples of viral content include enriching text, educational infographics, noteworthy videos and memorable images. Even contests can act as link bait because providing the opportunity to win free items drives traffic to your site.

If you found this post useful, as always share it with all and sundry.  The sharing luv is ALWAYS appreciated. 🙂 Xo!

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