BGB’ers I Need Your Help

I am currently outlining some product ideas that I hope to roll out in the future, and to put it simply…

I need your feedback.

I need to know what YOU as a reader of BGB and fellow entrepreneur (or wannabe entrepreneur!) would happily pay good money for me to create for you.

Now I know it’s tough to part with money, which is why I need your help in the creation department.  I only want to create products you want and/or need, so that when I do ask you to shell out some cash for it, you do it with a smile rather than a grumble. 😉

I am also planning on revamping my service site, and the services I offer as a writer, and have some ideas on offering consulting via email, and a few other things.

However these will be in limited quantity as I am focusing my attention more on offering value-laden products that create a much more passive income for me over the long-term.  That way more of my time is freed up to create content for BGB (score for you!) and I’ll get to spend more time with my family doing all those fun things like… oh… I don’t know… having a life! (Score for me!)

Anyway, all will be revealed here, and you’ll do me a huge solid if you fill out the brief survey… I promise it will only take a few moments of your time, and will aide me tremendously in digging out of this “idea loop” I currently find myself in!

Yes Cori, I will spend 5 minutes of my day and take this quick survey for you, as I know it will help you tremendously and you’ll love me forever because of it!

OK, thanks a million BGB’ers, I appreciate you helping a girl out. 🙂  OH and if you have other ideas not mentioned in the survey, I’m all ears… or eyes… or something.  Whatever, just drop them in the comments below and I’ll love ya forever times a billion!


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